BoM Nov '10
I'm sure fellow BOTL parents will appreciate this little bit of humor from tonight. So my wife is playing Trivial Pursuit on the Wii with her mom and sister while I am sitting on the couch looking through the BOTL forums and shopping for cigars. I hear her say "Hey, the baby needs a bath." "Ok" I reply, "give me just a minute". Before too long, the baby comes walking into the living room...naked...carrying his diaper in one hand. Then I hear him grunt and I look up in time to see him squat and take a dump on the floor . Ahh...fatherhood has it's moments. At least the floor is hardwood and will clean up easily. Before I can put the laptop down and shuttle him off to the tub, he stands up, puts his hands on his hips and hoses down the poo with urine . Then he laughs and runs into the kitchen as I chase him down before he could do anymore carnage. One of those little gems they don't tell you in parenting classes lol. He's lucky he's worth it...
Any other parents have similar harrowing stories of fun??
Any other parents have similar harrowing stories of fun??