One summer about 1991, I had the chance to work in AK, I spent 40 days in Alaska Fighting fire all over state, (Yes I was fit and trim in those days) we landed in Fairbanks, got our briefing and was told how to live in the bush, and was sent to Circle had a few fires there , I Spent a week one day in this town of Chicken OMFG is that out in the middle of no where (Gods County).. Stayed in Fort Yukon for a week or so, and I was based out of Eagle right on the Yukon River and bordering Canada (and I could see Russia from there, Didnt some lady say that too). and what a way of life... We were flown into fires along the 90 Mile River, 70 Mile River and the Caribou River. We had to Float/Jet boat our way down the river to be picked up by Float planes and taken back to camp, OMG what a blast and we were getting paid to fish, hunt and live off the land. All kidding aside It is a rough life in AK, boy was it a once in a life time experience. However all my travels were done by Helicopter and small twin engine aircraft, I didnt see allot of roads where I was
. Reading your blog brought back some very good memorys
.Good luck on your travels, and keep it safe