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An Open letter to everyone here

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Dec 30, 2012
Schenectady, NY
To my fellow brothers,

I've only been on BOTL since December so Im still a newbie on here but I just want to say that this is the best place in the World. The people on here and the ones I've chatted with are such awesome, compassionate, giving people and its truly amazing. You guys really are the best community out there and Im honored to be a part of it.

I honestly try to get on here every chance I can throughout the day just to see the new posts, the new introductions, new bombs, new sales etc. Luckily it being summer I have a lot of free time until school starts up so I can pretty much sit on my lazy ass all day :)

I try to do as much damage as I can to you guys with bombs but its frustrating at times being a 20 year old kid with only a part time job. I see all the birthdays and other bomb opportunities on here and I want to just partake in all of them but unfortunately I gotta have some restraint (don't wanna get into debt to early in my life :thumbsup:) Just remember that if I could, Id bomb the shit out of each and every one of you! That being said, a few dudes have a serious shit storm coming their way in the coming weeks.

Anyways, I really just want to say again how awesome all of you are and how much I love this forum and this community. Cigar smoking would undoubtedly be not as enjoyable if it wasn't for you guys.

I look forward to helping this community grow and prosper as much as I can.

With brotherly love,



BoM July '12
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343   0   0
Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
well said, cody! most of truly do believe in the brotherhood and community here, and strive to keep it our own little neighborhood. that's what makes BotL rock. o)

and don't sweat being low'n'broke, all good things in time. it's not the bombs, it's not the contests, it's sharing our joys and looking out for each other.
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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
Well said brother! I agree wholeheartedly, but like java said, all good things in time, it's the people, not the bombs and contests, and other antics that go on, that make this such an awesome community.


BoM 10/12, 9/13, & 8/14
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Jan 8, 2012
Northeast Tennessee
Well said, Cody. Don't worry about the bombs, just smoke what you like while contributing to the community, as Sean said, all good things in time. Glad you're a part of us.
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
I feel you man, I got birthday bombed to the moon and back among other bombs. Not having the dough on hand right now to give each and every brother what they deserve can suck, but all in due time and when they least expect it. I mean crap I just got nailed with a DE wet shaving kit!!
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Mar 27, 2010
Spring Valley, AZ
This is the best cigar site hands down. It has been like another family to me of brothers and sisters. I wear my BOTL hat with pride every day.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
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Apr 11, 2012
Agree with what's been said above...bombs are fun, but its all about the camaraderie and brotherhood when it comes down to it. The rest will come in time.


BoM Feb 14
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Feb 11, 2013
Olmsted Township, OH
I agree with your letter totally. My income goes mostly to student loans for two, the house, and baby. My incoming packages far exceeds what I would like to get out. ONE DAY you will all pay! Enjoy man. This place rocks.

Watch out if you ever try to do anything good. You'll lose your mailbox, porch, hell even the front of your house if your not careful :gangfire:


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
It's easy to feel overwhelmed. The thing to remember is that it's not about money, it's about brotherhood. Just participate as much as you can. Oh, and post nipple pics, people really like those for some reason. ;)

King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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367   0   0
Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
I love this place for your reasons and some of my own. It's not like picking up the phone and calling someone. It's more like, "I wonder what Rev will have to say about this" or "how JavaJunkie will respond to that". I had no idea that when I joined that I'd be able to Private Message anyone that I've never met about shit that is f***ed up in my life and a guy like Agentskull, would give a damn. Sorry for name dropping but, these are a few of many BOTLs that although I have never met, make a guy want to be a part if this brotherhood. If you're new here, you'll find out soon enough, if you're old hat, you already understand.
In this day and age, when its hard to trust your neighbor, it's quite refreshing to be able to come here on a daily basis and see that there are people out there that actually give a damn. Maybe it's the cigars, but I personally think BOTL stands for more than that.
I'll get the soapbox and hit the ol fartsack now.
