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Any BHK Experts?

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Apr 23, 2012
I bought some (56's) from La Casa del Habano in the past. The first box was excellent. The last box (54's) weren't as good. I get there are differences in cigars from size to crops, etc. Now I am getting offered boxes of the 52's for $375. That is a much lower price than I paid previously. Somebody told me the 2012 version isn't as good as a previous one but I can't find any information on line about any changes in the cigar since its release. Does anyone have any insight?
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Jan 18, 2012
Long Island
Outside of OR's, stay away from Behike's. Some people have had mixed reviews on 11's some good some bad... but I do not know of really anyone who has liked 12's. The prices at all vendors have been free falling and they are overstocked literally everywhere.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
I'm not going to lie I rather enjoy the BHK all of them. I had about 5 56 from 2012 and I didn't mind them. Yes the 2011 were better and in my opinion the 2010 but I like all of them.
I would try getting a couple of singles giving them a try before commiting to a box. That is my opinion on that but it is still worth a try.



BoM March 2013
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Oct 27, 2012
Outside of OR's, stay away from Behike's. Some people have had mixed reviews on 11's some good some bad... but I do not know of really anyone who has liked 12's. The prices at all vendors have been free falling and they are overstocked literally everywhere.
Do you think the 11's or the 12's will age well or do they have no shot at being as good as the 10's?
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Mar 2, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I've not had any 2012's but had plenty of 2011's and the clear winner of the 3 were the 54's IMO. I enjoyed them all but the 54's were much more balanced than the others. You won't know for sure unless you try them (2012's) yourself..


BoM Sept. 05
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Jan 11, 2005
Roxborough Park CO, Soon to be Wapiti, Wyoming
Not an expert by the definition of the word, but I have smoked more than a few and although I find them very good, they are no where near a $45 - $50 cigar. Not many are in my opinion....I would say the Cohiba 1966 is the closest thing to it that I have experienced.
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Jan 18, 2012
Long Island
Outside of OR's, stay away from Behike's. Some people have had mixed reviews on 11's some good some bad... but I do not know of really anyone who has liked 12's. The prices at all vendors have been free falling and they are overstocked literally everywhere.
Do you think the 11's or the 12's will age well or do they have no shot at being as good as the 10's?
They might. And I may regret in 5 years that I did not hoard them. But the 12s to me are so one dimensional and boring sticks. This same thread has been popping up everywhere (especially with the recent price drops on these) and the consensus seems to be that people are done buying Behikes unless the prices drop dramatically.

Are 12's still a good cigar? Yes. But not $31 for a 52. The 52 is probably a legitimate $15-$18 stick. I'd buy a 10 box at $150-$185 all day. But there is no way I'm dropping $300+ on a box of behikes based on some unrealized potential they may have in 5-10 years.
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Jan 15, 2011
Jersey Swamp
Never had one... think I'll hold out for the price to come down more based on this info.

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Jun 13, 2011
Surprise, AZ
Outside of OR's, stay away from Behike's. Some people have had mixed reviews on 11's some good some bad... but I do not know of really anyone who has liked 12's. The prices at all vendors have been free falling and they are overstocked literally everywhere.
Do you think the 11's or the 12's will age well or do they have no shot at being as good as the 10's?
They might. And I may regret in 5 years that I did not hoard them. But the 12s to me are so one dimensional and boring sticks. This same thread has been popping up everywhere (especially with the recent price drops on these) and the consensus seems to be that people are done buying Behikes unless the prices drop dramatically.

Are 12's still a good cigar? Yes. But not $31 for a 52. The 52 is probably a legitimate $15-$18 stick. I'd buy a 10 box at $150-$185 all day. But there is no way I'm dropping $300+ on a box of behikes based on some unrealized potential they may have in 5-10 years.

I'll agree and disagree with Dave on this subject. 10's are fantastick, 11's have great potential imo (but may never be as good as 10's), 12's I don't know because they are burried until I get through 10's and 11's. I would gladly pay $375+ for 2010 but not 11 or 12. Also the 54 is tops for me even though I don't tend to smoke large rg cigars.
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Mar 22, 2009
54s are the best of all 3 vitolas IMHO. Bury them for now. These will benefit from humidor sleepy time....

I just finished smoking examples of all 3 vitolas from 2010 to 2012 blind. Comparing my guesses to the actual years this weekend and posting the results on my blog.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Damn I should of posted this after reading it in the Mens bathroom at the Burning Leaf. It was a Duh did they just say that moment for me........ Another words why would you admit to the scarcity of leaves used when you were also admitting to ramping up production????
http://www.cigaraficionado.com/webfeatures/show/id/16046 July Aug 2011

“We wanted to do something different. We wanted to create something that was the best,” Maique says. He explains how the project began when he sent people out into the warehouses in Pinar del Río looking for old tobacco; they found some bales with three years plus age. “Some of them turned out to be good bales, and some didn’t,” he says, “but we kept the good ones for another two years.”
With the success of the Cohiba Behike, the discussion continued about adding a permanent Behike line to the Cohiba brand. “We knew we couldn’t just say it was the best of the best,” Maique says. “We’ve been saying that for 50 years about Cohiba, that it was the selection of the selection. We had to find something new.”

He recalls that when he worked in France, he was always explaining to people that Cuba had three main tobaccos in its cigars, the volado for combustion, the seco for aroma and ligero for power and strength. But when he researched tobacco that was used before the revolution, he came across notations for a fourth variety, medio tiempo, a smaller leaf that only appears rarely, and on the top priming of a tobacco plant.
“I said we could use a fourth leaf, the medio tiempo,” Maique says. “ And, when we asked ourselves what will medio tiempo mean in terms of the cigar? Character. It would be a new component that would add character.”

Maique explains how over the years, medio tiempo leaves had fallen out of general use in Cuba, partly because they were rare, usually appearing on only 10 to 15 percent of tobacco plants in a field . He says in recent years such leaves often went into domestic production cigars. Now, they are being selected and kept aside and treated as a separate tobacco for the Behike line.

Could it just possibly be all Behikes from now on will only just be "reproductions" of those first bales that were "special" and set aside? Is there any way that production ramped up 4-5x original numbers but the medio teimpo that was so scarce magically was made more abundant. To me there was a varity of warning signs in this article that seem to be making a awful lot of sense now.....
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May 14, 2012
So J, to summarize, you think possibly they just aren't putting Medio Tiempo in them now? And that explains the downgrade year to year in the complexity? I'm honestly wondering?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2 because, you know, I love Tapatalk 2.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
So J, to summarize, you think possibly they just aren't putting Medio Tiempo in them now? And that explains the downgrade year to year in the complexity? I'm honestly wondering?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2 because, you know, I love Tapatalk 2.
Yes I think they used 5 yo bales that were originally hand selected for the project and also had enough medio tiempo for the original run. Now it's same tobacco strains and plant placement but younger and not as rigorously selected coupled with the shortage of medio tiempo.
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May 14, 2012
So J, to summarize, you think possibly they just aren't putting Medio Tiempo in them now? And that explains the downgrade year to year in the complexity? I'm honestly wondering?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2 because, you know, I love Tapatalk 2.
Yes I think they used 5 yo bales that were originally hand selected for the project and also had enough medio tiempo for the original run. Now it's same tobacco strains and plant placement but younger and not as rigorously selected coupled with the shortage of medio tiempo.
Makes sense. Thanks brother.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2 because, you know, I love Tapatalk 2.
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Mar 22, 2009
I just finished blind tasting all 3 vitolas from all 3 years. I smoked them over the past month or so to ensure that I didn't get BHK fatique. My wife banded all the cigars from #1 to #9. Interesting results. Potentially supports the theory that there is not as much medio tempo in the recent release (2012) than in previous years. I posted the results on my blog.
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May 20, 2008
Thanks for the study. Must have been fun. Do you plan on doing this again in 3-5 years? Very interesting results. I can't believe I've never read your blog before. Now I've got some catching up to do.