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Anybody quit cigarettes, wait a while, then start cigars?

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May 11, 2011
I have a question. Just got into cigars, but I plan to be a once in a while smoker, like 1 a week or less. My wife is fine with this, but she doesn't want to share in the experience, as in smoke a cigar with me. She's fine having a glass of wine or something with me while I smoke.

Her reason is several years ago, probably about 4, she quit cigarettes. She's afraid that if she has a cigar, she will get re-hooked on cigarettes again.

So, for those of you who quit tobacco entirely, and didn't start on cigars until years or even decades later, what is your experience? Have cigars re-ignited (no pun intended) your craving for cigarettes, or are you fine smoking a cigar every now and then?

A follow-up question, could my smoking a cigar around her cause her to desire cigarettes again? This one is more my worry than hers.

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Mar 31, 2009
I did this. Smoked cigarettes for 10 years, quit for 4 or 5, then started smoking cigars. I can't say smoking cigars has ever made me want a cigarette.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
I was a two pack a day smoker for a few years and quit when my wife got pregnant (about 3 years now). During that time I was an occasional cigar smoker and have continued to smoke cigars, though more frequently now. Cigars have never made me want to pick up a cigarette. For me the hardest thing about quitting was that I got used to having a cigarette while doing certain things and it just didn't feel right not having a cigarette. Took a while to adjust. The aroma of cigar and cigarette smoke is so different that I doubt it'll make your wife want to start smoking again.

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Jan 15, 2011
Jersey Swamp
Not zactly... Quit smoking cigs 11 months ago & had been having a "weekend cigar" for years. Continued smoking cigars & have no desire to pick up the butts since.

Quite frankly I enjoy cigars as opposed to the "habit" of cigarettes.

That said everyone is different... congrats to your wife on quitting cigarettes!
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Oct 31, 2009
Smoked both. Quit cigarettes in 2000 and never looked back. A cigar is a totally different experience. I have never felt addicted with smoking cigars.
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Jan 27, 2010
Austin, Texas
Quit cigarettes in 1993, didn't start cigars until 2008. Definitely has not started a craving for cigarettes. I wouldn't take a cigar offered by my brother for years for fear of that happening.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Don't think she has anything to worry about. cigarrettes and cigars are two totally different experiences. Cigs are for that quick buzz and habit forming. You have to take your time with Cigars and sure they have nicotine but it's not the same as a cigarrette. Cigs are a drug dispersal device and cigars are a work of art and craftsmanship.

In wine terms cigs are Box-wine/ 2 buck chuck and Cigars are a nicely aged vintage wine. One is made to get you drunk other is made to be savored and enjoyd.
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Mar 14, 2011
Montreal, CANADA
I quit cold turkey about 5 years ago. Within the first 2 years I tried to start up smoking cigarettes but failed (lol). The first 2 tries I got only a quarter into it and chucked it. The last attempt I got through the whole cigarette but had that nasty nic sickness that lasted 3 days which was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I have an aversion to anything cigarette related now.

I've been smoking cigars for just over a year now and I can honestly say that I have never craved a cigarette during this time. Even to the point where I can sit in a smoked filled room of cigar smoke and I'm good. Put me in a room filled with cigarette smoke and I'd leave asap.
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May 23, 2009
I smoked 3 packs a day and quit 4-5 times in the 20 years I smoked. The last time it took me 3 years to quit...(I was on some form of nicotine replacement or smoking cessation for the entire 3 years) Needless to say, it was a bitch to quit smoking cigs for me.

Now, about a month after being off all therapy and cigs I re-ignited my cigar enjoyment. It has never made me want a cig at all. If I was to pick up a cig, I would be back to 3 packs a day within a week, they have that hold on me......

Long story short, based on my experience, I think your wife would be pretty safe smoking a cigar....


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Aug 15, 2010
I quit smoking weed...then took up cigars (back in 96). Does that count?

:rofl: I didn't see that coming! :stretchgr

As far as my experience is concerned; I stopped smoking cigarettes over 15 years ago and have been smoking cigars for just short of a year and never wanted a cigarette. I just cant get behind the trade off. Cigars are more enjoyable in terms of flavor and experience, while being significantly less harmful. (less frequency, not inhaling, etc)

Cigarettes are nowhere near as flavorful, relaxing, and you inhale. I don't see the upside.

Now, all that said, if she has fears of smoking again and it might trigger her, you have to honor that. The ONLY way I could quit was to get bad bronchitis and not be able to smoke and the timing be right, and by the grace of timing and a miracle, I quit.
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May 11, 2011
Wow, very interesting indeed! Since my wife said she wasn't sure (as opposed to being flat out opposed), I showed her this thread, and she says she will try one, but if she gets an urge to go back she won't do any more. Judging from these responses, we won't have to worry about that.

The pot reference was actually helpful... she has done that before, and she later said it was a bigger concern that she might go back to that. I'm thinking smoking a cigar for 1+ hour is relaxing enough in itself.

Probably won't be till October at the earliest. I get back Aug, we have our 2nd boy in early Sept, and I figure at least a month for getting healed up. In the meantime, I'll be trying out cigars trying to find a nice mild stick.
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Sep 29, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
I smoked cigarettes for 5 years, went 4 years without smoking at all, and have been smoking cigars for over 6 years now. I cannot see myself ever having the urge to smoke a cigarette again.

My uncle quit cigarettes after smoking for 40+ years and is scared to try a cigar for fear of getting back on cigarettes. As soon as I light a cigar, he comes over and starts asking all about it. I've never met a non-cigar smoker so intrigued by cigars (he even drove me to a B&M 45 miles away from his home to check it out with me). I feel bad for the guy because I can tell he really wants to try one, but my aunt would kill me if I knocked him off the wagon!
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I smoked cigarettes for 5 years, went 4 years without smoking at all, and have been smoking cigars for over 6 years now. I cannot see myself ever having the urge to smoke a cigarette again.

My uncle quit cigarettes after smoking for 40+ years and is scared to try a cigar for fear of getting back on cigarettes. As soon as I light a cigar, he comes over and starts asking all about it. I've never met a non-cigar smoker so intrigued by cigars (he even drove me to a B&M 45 miles away from his home to check it out with me). I feel bad for the guy because I can tell he really wants to try one, but my aunt would kill me if I knocked him off the wagon!
Interesting thread.
Krulos' uncle sounds a bit like my father. He would really like to join me, but won't try a cigar for same reason. He swithced from cigarettes to cheap cigars about 30 years ago and smoked them like cigarettes - chain smoking, inhaling, etc...Now, he's afraid to try one with me -- but will go way out of his way when I'm in town to try new/different B&M's...even asks me to come inside and smoke in his house when I'm sitting outside.
Funny, but it seems to frustrate him even more that I wouldn't/coudn't have a drink with him since I've been on that wagon for about 7 years....I avoided even being around drinking for the longest time. Only recently tried non-alcoholic beers because I was skeered. Now love them -- and he's more relaxed with his martini around me if I have a Kaliber....maybe I can relate the cigar experience and ease him into it because of the way I can handle non-alcoholic beer...hmmmm


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Jun 26, 2008
Mansfield, Tx
Wife and I quit smoking cigs about 4 years ago. Started with Cigars about the same time. Completely different experience, flavor, aroma, etc. No worries.


The Dude abides
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May 14, 2009
Rolling Meadows, IL
I quit smoking cigarettes and changed to Cigars. I now smoke 1-3 cigars a week. When I first started it wasatleast 1 cigar a day. And for me cigars do not make me want a cigarette at all. But, I have a friend who used to smoke 3 packs of reds a day and quit for a couple years and then smoked cigars and that brought him right back to cigarettes.

He quit cigarettes again over a year ago but will not have a cigar because it will bring him back.

Synopsis: Why push a cigar on her if she doesn't want it? I wouldn't want someone to smoke with me if it scared them that it may push them into an addiction. Also, then there are more sticks for me!
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Feb 16, 2010
this is exactly what i do everytime i quit, ive finaly given up and just smoke cigars all day.