I kinda take offense to borderline burger. It makes me think of tiny little mexicans running through the desert trying to get into our country so they can mow our grass, install our landscaping and lay our brick. Then they buy our hamburger and put their chipotle sauce on it and call it their own. As opposed to borderline burger, i think they should call it a Mexican with Spanish descent-Amercian burger.
Or even better, "Hamburger with Chiptole Tobasco Sauce"
And in the spirit of politically correctness, shouldn't Mexican be considered unpolitically correct?! I mean it is derogitory in a sense. Whether right or wrong, when i hear the term Mexican, a certain mental image appears of a certain kind of person, and im' sure i'm not alone in that. We got a guy hear at work who we call Paco because he kind of short and lkinda looks "mexican" and he gets real mad about it. And if you call someone mexican, it implies that they are purely and simply mexican. I think they should be called "persons". in fact, we should all be called persons so as not to stereotype based on nationality. No more greasy italians, just persons. no more stupid canadiens, just persons. Fat lazy Americans? No. Persons. Men? Women? Nope. Persons. We're all just persons.
I think some "person" musta slipped something in my coffee.