Went down to the cigar lounge and caught the UFC fights.
Was glad to see Brock Lessner get his face busted up by Cain Valasquez:stickbeat
Lessner has to have been the most hated champion in UFC history. If you watched it Saturday. Did you see him bump into the police/secuarity guard on his way to the octogon and push him out of the way. I understand he's focused and all coming into the ring. But that is just another example of him being a jerk. Hopefully he will never become the champ again, but I got a feeling he will:argh:
Was glad to see Brock Lessner get his face busted up by Cain Valasquez:stickbeat
Lessner has to have been the most hated champion in UFC history. If you watched it Saturday. Did you see him bump into the police/secuarity guard on his way to the octogon and push him out of the way. I understand he's focused and all coming into the ring. But that is just another example of him being a jerk. Hopefully he will never become the champ again, but I got a feeling he will:argh: