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Anyone own a Maine Coon?


Never Settle
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Jan 4, 2015
The grandparents of an old girlfriend had a maine coon. I seem to remember it was even tempered. Long haired, too. Nothing else sticks out in my head.

One of our friends is a vet if you have health related or temperament questions. I can pass questions to her.

Probably not much help, but good luck with your adoption.
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Oct 26, 2015
The South
I lived with one for a year and it was a great cat. We currently have a Russian Blue knockoff and a straight up mutt and would strongly consider a Maine Coon when that day comes. It's a lot of cat that comes with a lot of fur if that would affect your clothes/furniture. The one that lived with me was very laid back and let her owner brush her whenever.
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Jan 28, 2012
Merriam, KS
I grew up with one and he was a great cat. Very laid back and friendly. Different than any other cat we had or my parents still have. Lots of hair is the only drawback. Btw, I'm not a cat guy and liked this cat.

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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
We've had two purebred MCs over the past 20 years. Our first, "Goomba," was the friendliest, slap-happiest cat I've ever known. He was as docile as could be and lived 17 years. Absolutely gorgeous...and as big as a house! (y)

After Goomba, I got another male from a supposedly "reputable" breeder. Cost me $800! :eek: "Gus" was gigantic, hardy and also beautiful. Sadly, he was the biggest douchebag in the history of douchebaggery. (n). Despite having all kinds of toys to play with, he gnawed through computer cables, lamp cords and anything else electrical. Cost me literally hundreds of dollars in cellphone / USB cables and MacBook chargers. I spent an entire day wrapping every cable in the house with electrical conduit. On top of this, his temperament SUCKED, attacking the dog unprovoked and biting whenever you tried to pet him. He peed repeatedly on my kid's beanbag chair. Worst. Cat. Ever. :mad: We finally gave up after a year and gave him to one of those "cat whisperer" types who ran a shelter. Good riddance!

My advice: don't just look at the kittens and get roped into buying one right away! :stop: They may be cute, but stay strong! Ask to meet both of the parents. If either one of them in intolerant of you playing with them -- DON'T PULL THE TRIGGER!

Hopefully, your experience will be more like our time with Goomba than Gus. Good luck brother!
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Feb 28, 2015
Mine passed at approximately 22 years of age. I adopted him as a 4 year old adult cat from a shelter. He was a huge lovable oaf who followed me around all day like a dog and wanted to sit next to me wherever I was. He was huge but tremendously gentle even when the kids (toddlers then) grabbed him and patted him too roughly. He never even hissed at them. I'll never forget the time he was chased through the house by the Christmas tree. He apparently decided it would be fun to play with and managed to knock it down. This scared the hell out of him and so he RAN AWAY AS FAST AS HE COULD! but was tangled up in the lights. I just remember seeing a flash of wild eyes and ears flat back as he shot through the living room and down the hall with the tree chasing him. He never did go near the Christmas tree again. RIP Nigel.