We've had two purebred MCs over the past 20 years. Our first, "Goomba," was the friendliest, slap-happiest cat I've ever known. He was as docile as could be and lived 17 years. Absolutely gorgeous...and as big as a house!
After Goomba, I got another male from a supposedly "reputable" breeder. Cost me $800!

"Gus" was gigantic, hardy and also beautiful. Sadly, he was the biggest douchebag in the history of douchebaggery.

. Despite having all kinds of toys to play with, he gnawed through computer cables, lamp cords and anything else electrical. Cost me literally
hundreds of dollars in cellphone / USB cables and MacBook chargers. I spent an entire day wrapping every cable in the house with electrical conduit. On top of this, his temperament SUCKED, attacking the dog unprovoked and biting whenever you tried to pet him. He peed repeatedly on my kid's beanbag chair. Worst. Cat.
We finally gave up after a year and gave him to one of those "cat whisperer" types who ran a shelter. Good riddance!
My advice: don't just look at the kittens and get roped into buying one right away!

They may be cute, but stay strong! Ask to meet both of the parents. If either one of them in intolerant of you playing with them -- DON'T PULL THE TRIGGER!
Hopefully, your experience will be more like our time with Goomba than Gus. Good luck brother!