Well, as Frank Zappa once said "Here I'm is!"
I've been smoking cigars for about 18 months. I started just before deploying to Afghanistan, and once there it was something I could do to relax. Now, I'm back and I have really gotten into it.:smile:
I've been on Cigarlive and NUblive for a little while. I am a finalist for the NUb Mini Cooper. :stretchgr
That's about it for now.
I've been smoking cigars for about 18 months. I started just before deploying to Afghanistan, and once there it was something I could do to relax. Now, I'm back and I have really gotten into it.:smile:
I've been on Cigarlive and NUblive for a little while. I am a finalist for the NUb Mini Cooper. :stretchgr
That's about it for now.