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Baby video monitor

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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
I know a lot of guys here have babies or infants.. So being that the misses is due next month.. I'm looking at baby video monitors, and MY ARE THEY EXPENSIVE!

Which ones do you guys recommend? I'm looking on eBay or Craigslist for deals lol..

Supposedly this one: Motorola MBP36S is the one to get?



Smoke it if ya got it!
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Feb 2, 2015
St. Louis MO
I have a tommy tippy one it works pretty well. The monitor has a rechargeable battery so the wife can take it with her to do laundry and such w o having to plug it in everywhere. And it also is no ise cancelling so you dont have to listen to static


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
We have the Motorola model you mentioned @Jmphotog . In my opinion you get the most value for the price, you can add cameras, and it relies on rf and frequency hops instead of using wi-fi. The reason I prefer rf to wi-fi is that it's very, very difficult for some creeper to hack and mess with/look at our baby.
Is the threat of hacking baby monitors that big? Not that I'm aware of; but in regards to my child's safety I'm not willing to risk it.
Just my 2 cents, hope it helps!
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May 27, 2015
Central NJ
We have the Motorola model you mentioned @Jmphotog . In my opinion you get the most value for the price, you can add cameras, and it relies on rf and frequency hops instead of using wi-fi. The reason I prefer rf to wi-fi is that it's very, very difficult for some creeper to hack and mess with/look at our baby.
Is the threat of hacking baby monitors that big? Not that I'm aware of; but in regards to my child's safety I'm not willing to risk it.
Just my 2 cents, hope it helps!

We use a Motorola, most likely the one stated above. It works very well, just wish we could get my daughter to sleep in her crib long enough to use it.
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Jan 15, 2014
Staten Island, NY
Lol I just wanted to share what just happened. So I took the over all advice and went for the Motorola. However! I went on eBay and found one for a 100 bucks 103.48 to be exact. It was used but said to be in excellent working condition. Fast forward today; received the box, open it to test it and ready to clean it. ::face Palm:: it doesn't work. LOL

The USB port is faulty, before I go ape shit on the eBay seller, I called Motorola. Long story short I got a new one on the way=D for the price of a used one bahahahahahahahahahaha

I told my wife monuments should be erected in my name lol. I'm on a roll, got airline tickets refunded too haha! She says I have the gift of talking and can get anything refunded.

So it worked out well! Thanks all for the advice!