Just under a year ago (2/24), I was in the hospital for emergency surgery and afterwards the doctors weren't sure that I was going to pull through. In fact, they were betting against me. I don't want to type out the whole thing again, but if anyone in interested in what happened, the thread can be found here.
Anyways, the last year has been a bit odd for me. I lost my job when I was in the hospital and haven't been able to find a steady paycheck since. I've got something coming up in March that may be very good professionally and could help launch my photography career in ways I never thought possible. I know I have a lot to celebrate...being alive, having a new outlook on life, chasing MY dreams instead of someone else's and wanting to turn a hobby into a career. I've started eating better and taking my health more seriously and I'm thankful for the people and things in my life.
With all the good changes, why do I feel depressed a lot of the time? I know right around that time, my family and my close friends are going start that whole...I don't know how to express it...making a big thing out of it I guess is the right way to say it. I know they mean well and it's out of love but they when they say things like, "You don't know how close you came" or "You're lucky to be alive." It irritates me because ummm....hello, I was there too and I really don't want to relive what happened. I have a daily reminder stuck to my abdomen to remind me. I'd rather people just treat it like any other day.
Sorry to vent, but sometimes I just need to vent to guys. Thanks for listening.
Anyways, the last year has been a bit odd for me. I lost my job when I was in the hospital and haven't been able to find a steady paycheck since. I've got something coming up in March that may be very good professionally and could help launch my photography career in ways I never thought possible. I know I have a lot to celebrate...being alive, having a new outlook on life, chasing MY dreams instead of someone else's and wanting to turn a hobby into a career. I've started eating better and taking my health more seriously and I'm thankful for the people and things in my life.
With all the good changes, why do I feel depressed a lot of the time? I know right around that time, my family and my close friends are going start that whole...I don't know how to express it...making a big thing out of it I guess is the right way to say it. I know they mean well and it's out of love but they when they say things like, "You don't know how close you came" or "You're lucky to be alive." It irritates me because ummm....hello, I was there too and I really don't want to relive what happened. I have a daily reminder stuck to my abdomen to remind me. I'd rather people just treat it like any other day.
Sorry to vent, but sometimes I just need to vent to guys. Thanks for listening.