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Best 10 under $5 south of the border

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Jan 30, 2011
Hello fellow americans. Up here in canada we have an amazing amount of taxes put on tobacco. A $1 cigar in cuba will be $14 before it hits the retail shelves. So to find inexpensive daily cigars is really tough.

So my question is this .

What are the best top 10 cigars under $5.


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Nov 5, 2010
Great white North
Then, after you are done with that, start doing some research about what kinds of sticks you are interested in ( mild, medium, strong. Peppery, creamy, coco/choclately) and that should bring you to where the rest of us are #lost in the ever-changing world of fine cigars# LOL.
My suggestion is; go to your local good tobacconist and figure out what you are into by buying a couple sticks off the shelf.
Read read read. This forum, in the 3 months I have been here, has been a wealth of knowledge to us Frozen Few ( :pimp1:), so sit back, read up on some things and don't be afraid to ask a question or two...someone will have your answer.