I got my 3rd quarter property tax bill a few days ago, and there's an increase of almost $800 annually. NJ is suppose to have a 2% annual cap in place, so I immediately called Borough Hall. They won't even answer the phone, but instead it goes to a recording that tells you to call one of the Commissioners if you have a question on the tax increase. Our township is run by 3 Commissioners instead of a mayor. I finally get through to a Commissioner today. Seems that the School Board Business Administrator made an error on our state aid request form, and cost the taxpayers $1 mil in state aid. The School Board could have chosen to absorb the shortfall, but instead, these idiots decided to dump the entire burden on the taxpayers. They knew about this back in November '13, but instead of warning the taxpayers about the increase, they chose to keep it quite, and just smack everyone with massive 3rd quarter bills. Of course the Administrator still has his high paying job. Only in government can someone cost their employer (we the taxpayers) $1 mil and still keep their job. Of course the Commissioner I spoke to got an earful, but it won't change a thing. Everyday, I hate NJ more and more. I have to get the NC house done, and move down for good.