Woke up last night at 4 am with trenchmouth! So bad i had to get up and brush my teeth...again. Tough to say if my good smoking day (3 great cigars yesterday, a rare day for me) was worth it or not. That was one terrible taste. been awhile since i've had it that bad. thank god the :lady: was out cold
she would not have been pleased. :stickbeat
But the good news is that the trenchmouth was effictively cured with coffee, eggs and potato cakes w/ cheese from last nights mashed potatoes. Trust me, my mouth tastes better right now.
okemyeye The only problem i see now is that my ass is gonna stink just as bad!!
But the good news is that the trenchmouth was effictively cured with coffee, eggs and potato cakes w/ cheese from last nights mashed potatoes. Trust me, my mouth tastes better right now.