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Pappa Smurf
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Dec 15, 2004
1f1fan said:

If you have time, The Bastard Operator from Hell is funny as sh$t.
BOFH was one of the first things I encountered when just getting on the internet ... pre-web, and even pre-mosaic... had to use gopher.

I've held that job and used those posts as inspriration.

And as many of you can attest ... I can be a bastard. No really, it's true.


Pappa Smurf
Rating - 100%
18   0   0
Dec 15, 2004
True story ... I was working for a compnay developing educational s/w back in the mid 80's. Developed for apple II, commodore, atari, TRS-80, etc.

A package usually consisted of a program on a couple of 5.25" floppies, manual, maybe a workbook.

Support person was out and I drew the short straw and filled in for the day.
Got a call from a teacher that was having problems getting the disk out of its sleeve. I'm guessing maybe it say on a heater and the plastic inserts melted on the paper sleeve?

I told her just to rip the paper sleeve off. She told me the disk came out of the paper sleeve without a problem - but she could not get it out of the square black one.

Then it dawned on me what she was doing - actually try to get the floppy disk media out of its jacket!

Tenacious she was - she even went as far as to get a screw driver and started popping the rivots holding the cover together.

Had to put her on hold while I composed myself. Called the other coders to the phone and made her repeat the story. Normally would have told her to toss the disk and we'll send her another ... but I asked her to send it back to us. I needed a souvenir.

Of course, we got some folks in the documentation group to create an insert showing (with picutres) how to take a disk out its paper sleeve ONLY and insert it into a drive.