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BOTL blind review cigar No.2


Rating - 100%
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Mar 20, 2005
Grit City
Vegas Robaina Familiar June 2007

Reviewer No.1

Location: At the local cigar lounge

Beverage: Thomas Kemper root beer

Appearance: This is a box pressed corona sized cigar with a hersey bar colored wrapper that has some small veins in it. No soft or hard spots to the touch and a nice looking triple cap.

Cut: This cigar cut nice and smooth with my Xiker cutter. Forgot to give this cigar a pre light draw. So I can't comment on that.

1/3: This cigar starts out with light leather, cocoa, cedar and spicy flavors. It draws well and has a meduim to dark ash. After the first 1'' down I would say it is a meduim flavored cedary/spicey smoke.

2/3: The cedar flavors have mellowed out and now I taste flavors of light coffee and leather. This cigar is burning fairly even and holds a nice 1'' ash before breaking it off. Draw is still good.

3/3: This part of the cigar was ineresting for me. With about 2'' left I could taste a meduim flavor of oak, light spice and leather but as I smoked it down it did go out on me and required a re-light. After a quick re-light and another 1/2'' or so down the flavor changed up again and I was getting some nice meduim to light flavors of earth, spice and citrus. Burned this cigar down to about 2/3 of an inch before I put it down. This cigar lasted 50 min.

Score: I would give this cigar a score of a solid 88.

Conclusion: This was a very enjoyable cigar that can be smoked anytime of the day and another example of an excellent corona. This cigar can be enjoyed by experienced as well as novice smokers.

Reviewer No.2

Here ya go!

Cigar #2
Date 1/21/2010

Light to med brown wrapper, slightly rough and toothy here and there. Cut provided ample draw and a touch of sweetness.

First Third
This cigar lit easily, and immediately began to issue a light, pleasant aroma.
Initial notes of charred wood and molasses stood out in a background of slight earthiness.
The dark grey ash was solid.

Second Third
The flavor profile of this cigar announced itself early, and remained consistent throughout the smoke: Notes of charred oak in the forefront, with dark honey and caramel flavors in the background.
The finish is slightly salty, like the peatiness found in a good single malt scotch...A great balance for the sweet notes.
The burn is very good, with minor runs that correct themselves. The aroma is floral and pleasant.

Last Third
This cigar soured ever so slightly just about 2/3 in, but then perked back up for the home stretch….Lots of oak and honey evened out very nicely with the long, peaty finish.
Although not complex, this cigar is very balanced and delivers a great package for the palate and the nose.

Very enjoyable cigar, especially considering the size.

Score: 85/100

Reviewer No.3

Cigar 2 review


Appearance: This cigar appeared to be slightly larger than a Petit Corona. I have to say I was a very odd looking cigar. The cap was not very well done, quite sloppy with a flat top. The Claro wrapper had a mottled appearance with a few fairly heavy veins. What was really weird about this cigar was the variance in color the wrapper had. It was a noticeable difference in color that actually gave a “barber pole” effect. I was with a buddy of mine and he even commented about this from a few feet away.
Pre-Light: The cigar was very firmly packed. I had a little trouble cutting it with my SAK, like it was really thick. The draw was EXTREMELY tight. It was like trying to get air through a brick wall.
When I lit it, I gave it the ole college try, but I could not get any smoke through it. After trying for ten minutes, I just gave up. It was impossible to anything through it.
Any number rating I would give would be meaningless because there was no redeeming quality at all about this cigar. I don’t mean to offend the person that gave this cigar. I sure hope this cigar was the anomaly of the group.

Reviewer No.4

This cigar is a beautiful box pressed Corona that had all the hallmarks of a perfectly constructed cigar. Great feel, uniform body, nice weight. You name it, this had it. The cold aroma was also slightly pungent with a bit of spice that got you and a fair bit of sweetness.

Unfortunately I didn't take notes during the smoking experience so these aren't as detailed as normally but they sum up what I remember. The cigar started extremely rich. It was savory & sweet but not in a typical salty or sugary way. Think of a good chocolate icecream that is neither bitter nor overly sweet yet simultaneously seems to get both senses across. Beefy pepper & earthy flavors progressed with an almost classic Vegas Robaina citrus flavor were predominant.
The hearty core of the cigar continued throughout and saw minor supplemental flavors like hay, honey & a slight floral aroma jump into the fray every once in a while.

All in all I enjoyed the cigar & found it to be extremely satisfying. Just as I enjoy my food, I found this treat to be big and bold, just the way I like my flavors. Solid cigar.

If I didn't know better I would guess this was a VR Familiar with a couple of years on it. It had similar flavor strengths to the recently smoked RASS and came across in very similar methods. So, 2007 VR Fami

Reviewer No.5

Nice looking Corona Gorda with light brown wrapper. Nice cap.

Drink - Club Soda

Pre light draw - spice but a little firm

1/3 Mine was a little tight and took some work to get it going. Flavors of coco and leather.

2/3 Nice coco bean, leather, with a bit of espresso. Decent amount of smoke and good long finish.

Final third - more of the same, with an intoxicating aroma. Coco fading, coffee bean intensifying. Took it down to the nub.
Overall a excellent smoke. The reason we go to the trouble for Cuban cigars. I give it a 93 due to tight draw in the first 1/3.
Guess - Bolivar Corona Extra

Reviewer No.6

This cigar had a nice light, oily wrapper. Minor veins and no construction issues noted. Well applied cap. Pre-light hints of cinamon, floral, citrus, light hay and light roasted coffee . After cutting the cigar with my Palio cutter, tastes of a light spice, cinnamon, light lemon, lavender and light cofee were present. The pre-light draw on this one was really tight. Very restricted. I rolled this one between my fingers to get it to loosen up, but it still remained tight.

I paired this one with 20 year Dow Tawny Port. THe sweetness of the port, let the flavors come out a bit more.

I toasted this cigar with my Dupont Xtend and this cigar took off with a light blue grey smoke. The citrus, light hay, earhty flavor was excellent, with a hint of lavender. The flavor was not overpowering, but the draw was very restricted.

All thirds of this cigar remained the same from start to finish. A good burn, restricted and tight draw draw and good flavors remianed during my forty five minutes of smoking this.

I smoked this cigar while sitting on my balcony of the cruise ship. Although the flavors were good, my overall pleasure with this cgiar was not good. The draw caused lots of problem, which kept me constantly relighting this cigar.

Overall, this is a good cigar minus the draw issue. I believe this one was a Boli PC, but not sure, since the tight draw is mot typical of these cigars. I scored this one as a 74.


Rating - 100%
126   0   0
Mar 20, 2005
Grit City
Nice review on a good all round stick.
I agree the VR Familiars are one of the better corona sized cigars that don't get much talk.

Hopefully that will change as I don't ever want to see them on the disco list.