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Boy did I have a Friday the 13th

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May 30, 2010
New York
Yesterday was my girlfriend's birthday so we went out to dinner downtown. On the way back we are stopped at a light when BOOM! I look back and I see a delivery cyclist get up and drag his bike to the side of the street.

I get out to assess the damage and my trunk is creased from his handlebar and the bumper is scuffed from his tire or pedal and the taillight smashed from his body.

Called the police for a report and we are parked on the side of the road at this point as we wait 45 minutes. Police finally come, one of them mumbles "There's people shooting each other and you call me out for this?" Anyway the officers tell me bicyclists aren't required to carry any insurance which is a given so I'll have to file with my insurance and be on the hook for the deductible. All the while a cab backs into the front of my car trying to parallel park and smashes my grill in.

He says he didn't do it and only tapped it. Guess he didn't see the police watching this happen.

That's when the same officer tells me it is karma on me calling in for a police report. I didn't understand his issue with me or what I did asking for a police report when a bicyclist crashed into me. If it were another car, I could understand as that can be handled easily.

As they are writing up my second police report there is another car rear ended and they pull up behind these officers.

So...Friday the 13th.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Wow that sucks! Thank God that no one was hurt.

Sounds like that cop was nothing but an arrogant douche. If it were me I would have gotten the cop's name and badge number so I could file a complaint. It probably wouldn't do any good but it might just make it into his personnel file and who knows how many other complaints have been filed against this jackass. Probably a few given his attitude.

As far as the bicyclist, If he was a direct employee of a messenger company (unlikely) you may be able to get reimbursed through them. If he is an independent contractor (most likely) you are probably on the hook for your deductible although you could take him to small claims court and get the deductible amount back if you want to go through the time and hassle. Who knows, maybe we'll see you on Judge Judy or the People's Court!
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Sep 13, 2014
Well I gave someone a dent over the holidays and we just took some phone photos and swapped info. (He called his 800 # for his insurance carrier and there was no injury so they told him the same thing I did. ) Personally, I have different expectations on when to bring cops into the picture. It's just not like it used to be.

However.... the cop report I would say was necessary, in this case, to protect you from liability. I would have done the same.

You could get an estimate, and threaten the messenger service with civil. Since you have an incident report ... If they play fair .... they have insurance against this crap. If they push back it won't be worth it.
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May 30, 2010
New York
Normally I would have just gotten information and off on my way.

As for the police officers, must be a good cop bad cop pairing. His partner was very friendly and said normally you wouldn't have to call us out for an accident but with a person on a bike, it is good you did.

Off to the body shop on Monday. Hoping my guy will help me save the deductible on the rear. I went to the owner of the restaurant the rider delivers for and he gave me his contact information. Hopefully we can work out the deductible amicably. Otherwise I'll end up eating the cost unfortunately.

You try to do everything right and still end up out of pocket sometimes.


Ruler of Grayskull
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Feb 15, 2015
Buffalo NY
Man, sorry about that. I am going to suggest that you get a damage estimate before even contacting your insurance company if you have not done so. I'm in the industry, and events like this can actually affect your premium. The cabbie would be on the hook for the damage to the front. Any questions, pm me.
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May 30, 2010
New York
For the rear the bumper will need to be painted. Probably 4-500. The crease on the trunk lid will either need to be pulled and filled it replaced. Right side taillight will need to be replaced. I'm thinking 1500-1800 based on repair experience.

And yes first thing I was concerned about was the guy. Young kid trying to make a buck. He was probably in his early 20s. Told him I'm not here to make his life difficult by waiting for police or make him pay anything. Just need a report for insurance.