Have DirecTV but not DVR? Sucks doesn't it? I was off the other day and started randomly calling all of my misc. providers to see if I could get better deals; (ie DirecTV, insurance company, etc. I mean it's more money for cigars and golf right?) Anyway, I called DirecTV and told them I had noticed they were giving away a free DVR to new subscribers. I mentioned I had been a loyal customer for 7 years and I didn't have a DVR; where is mine? They gave me the standard "Those deals are to entice new subscribers" line to which I replied "Maybe I should go with cable or Dish since they would be willing to give me a FREE DVR. I was promptly transferred to the "Customer Retention Department". Most all companies have this department now and it's one to keep in mind as they can cough up the freebies. I explained what I wanted to this department and told them I was thinking of going to cable, etc. They immediately agreed to ship out my new, free, DVR and include free installation.
Granted this DVR isn't of the Tivo variety but usually sells to subscribers for $99. I spent 10 minutes on the phone and got this unit for free.
Take advantage of the customer rentention department! Cell companies, cable, Direct, insurance, etc. all have these departments and they are usually extremely accomodating.
So do I feel bad about getting the DVR for free even though I had no intention of switching to another provider? Well, have you looked at your DirecTV bill lately? Nuff said!
Hope this helps someone else.
Granted this DVR isn't of the Tivo variety but usually sells to subscribers for $99. I spent 10 minutes on the phone and got this unit for free.
Take advantage of the customer rentention department! Cell companies, cable, Direct, insurance, etc. all have these departments and they are usually extremely accomodating.
So do I feel bad about getting the DVR for free even though I had no intention of switching to another provider? Well, have you looked at your DirecTV bill lately? Nuff said!
Hope this helps someone else.