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Buying used clubs?


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Alright golfing gang, I need some help.

This year, I'm looking to pick up a new (to me) set of clubs once I move back home.

It's definitely the Indian and not the Arrow, but I'd like to actually have a uniform set for once. My current set is just leftovers from my father, so almost every club is radically different from one another.

I am a casual golfer at best, so I'm not looking to drop big bucks. But I haven't really thought of a price range yet. They'll probably see weekly or biweekly use over the summer and early fall, and that's it.

I figure buying used will let me get something slightly nicer than I would normally get buying new.

1. Is it "safe" to buy used clubs? They're not beat to the point of being improper?
2. Is it even worth buying used, or is the price difference minimal?
3. If so, is there a best place to do so?
4. Is there anything I should pay particular attention to when looking at used sets?
5. Lastly, are there any brands that are really worth seeking out used? (This question might not make sense. But, coming from a shooting background... lots of firearms make a lot of sense to seek out when in the "used market")

Thanks fellas!
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
I buy used a lot. With a driver/3wood, they need to look newish. If the have a dent in the head, no matter how small, I wouldn't buy it.

While not a huge deal, I "stroke the shafts lol" to make sure they aren't too beat up or dented. Obviously look for a grip you like but that can be changed. I've bought several things at places like golf galaxy for 1/3 or less original cost.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Oh, that reminds me... this is MOSTLY for irons. I won't be buying a putter. I've grown pretty accustomed to my driver and woods, so I DOUBT I will be searching for a set that includes those. However, if I find a nice set that is priced attractively -and it includes them- then I will certainly go for it.
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
Well with irons, just hit until you find some that feel natural. I usually buy used irons but have bought new sets too. I usually hit around quite a bit before buying irons because I hit them so much on the course I feel like I need to know they'll do what I want.


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Nov 4, 2012
I've bought my last 2 sets of irons used off of ebay. They have a standardized scoring system that most of the venders adhere to so you know what condition the clubs are in. I agree with hitting a few sets first to see what model/brand you like. If you do like a specific brand or model there is usually a knock off for it. But if you are buying used you could put that savings toward a better brand which I think are worth it.
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Oct 23, 2013
Princeton KY
I would stay away from knockoffs. They're ok for a beginner but they're usually way too heavy for anyone with any kind of swing speed.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Golf....the sport that will ultimately drive you crazy and I've seen guys with brand new sets and those with orphan sets....orphan meaning that there isn't a club in the bag that is related to any other clubs. I've been playing for almost 50 years and the one constant in golf is how badly you want to play well. If you are just a mediocre weekend golfer then go with a 'used set' that feels good to you because at the end of the day you're just swinging the club at the ball. If you want to play well then you need to consider quality and matched clubs and you should at least have them fitted and have a decent swing where you have a handicap in the low double digits down to the single digits.


Zach Emerson DeBoy
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Jul 17, 2013
Blue Ridge, GA, USA
Like some people said hit a bunch of different irons before choosing. If you have a PGA superstore near you, you can hit every type imaginable and they have used sets (irons) for sale that you can try out.

If your a casual golfer id stay away from blades (just my personal opinions) and get some cavity back irons. I had a set of AP2 titleist irons but switched to some mizunos and love them although I can't get out and play nearly enough since I'm not living on a golf course anymore.

Good luck!
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
Like some people said hit a bunch of different irons before choosing. If you have a PGA superstore near you, you can hit every type imaginable and they have used sets (irons) for sale that you can try out.

If your a casual golfer id stay away from blades (just my personal opinions) and get some cavity back irons. I had a set of AP2 titleist irons but switched to some mizunos and love them although I can't get out and play nearly enough since I'm not living on a golf course anymore.

Good luck!
Agree with the blades vs cavity. If looking new or last years send me a pm on what you like I may have a good deal at work.


BoM October '14
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Oct 17, 2012
Lake in the Hills, IL
Okay to answer your questions…

1. If you do your research then yes it is safe to buy used clubs
2. The price difference is going to be determined by how 'used' the clubs are and where you're buying them
3. Typically the best deals are to be had online in golf forums (more on this later)
4. You should be making sure the set 'fits' you
5. There are a LOT of good brands - recommending one over another is pointless

Okay first and foremost go hit EVERYTHING you can. If you're a weekend duffer I would stick to the game improvement clubs, but hit everything you can. Find the clubs that look good to you at address, feel good and that you hit well. This should be free at any store with a simulator. When you're done you should have your 'top-3' sets.

Now GO GET FIT! This should be cheap or free so do it! The last thing you want to do though is buy clubs that are too long or have the wrong shaft stiffness. Golf, especially for the hacker, is very equipment dependent. Hitting clubs that are too long/short or has the lie angle will force you to compensate in the golf swing and lead to bad mechanics/timing… so GET FIT!

At that point check craigslist, the used bin at your local shops (PGA Superstore, GolfSmith, etc..) and lastly, and the biggest, online golf forums. Golf tends to attract the wealthy and a lot of these guys believe it's the arrow not the Indian. Some of these guys buy 5-8 new sets of irons a year and end up selling them all off. If you're patient you can really get a pristine set of clubs at an outrageous price.

Now that you've been fit and have your clubs go GET THEM ADJUSTED! Make sure the lie angles and loft are right and the clubs are the right length. If you need to; have them cut down and re-gripped.

Hit'em long and straight!


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
Go to a golf store, look at a few clubs, talk to the sales rep to see what differences are. Hit a few different brand demo clubs to see what feels better. Then go to ebay and buy smartly.

Make sure to get clubs with a bigger face/head that will be more forgiving. Don't get tour blades that are hard to hit for the casual golfer.

Have fun!
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Aug 28, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Look for decent set of clubs on CL there are some great deals on some top name clubs and the cost to acquire the whole set can be significantly less than just a set of irons at a PGA superstore,Dicks, Academy sports, etc. If you are a casual golfer forget getting fitted you will never recognize the benefits. However, as mentioned avoid blades, they are for the low handicappers, look for a set of cavity backs from any of the name brands.

top flite
taylor made
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Dec 22, 2010
I've purchased a number of used clubs. Some from a friend, some at a yard sale and a couple from golf stores. As far as irons go, I'd suggest getting something that is pretty forgiving such as hollow-backs. I have the Cleveland TA (Tour Action) Irons and I've had several golf pros indicate that these are very good for the "normal amateur" golfer. Some of the blade irons are more difficult to hit and wouldn't be a good fit for me. ;). This I think that it's worth getting some professional advice on what would work well for you and then you can scour craigslist, eBay, rock bottom golf, proshops for used irons, etc.

One older brand that you still see played and the golfers love them is Ping. Specifically Ping Zings and Ping Eye 2's. I have a friend who just loves his and they play plenty straight for him.

Good luck.
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Jun 2, 2013
Excelsior, MN
As a guy that went through a long period of buying and selling golf clubs (it was always the clubs fault) hahaha I can safely say that it is more than ok to buy used. I learned a couple things in my ventures. EBay can be your friend. I have bought and sold on there and have had very good luck. The advice I would give you about EBay is that it is important to stick to the "stores", avoid buying from personal sellers because most people themselves wouldn't know if the clubs they are using are fake. The stores have dealt with all the regular golf brands and would know the difference between real and fake. The other things is, you really have to know what you are looking for before you go ebay shopping or like anything else, you'll get over whelmed quick. Like other have said, go to a Golfsmith-type store and hit some of their used irons. If you find a set you like, price shop on ebay.

The other thing is, feel free to make offers at your big chain golf stores (edwin watts, goldsmith etc.). I bought a used set at goldsmith for 150 less than what they were listed just cause I asked. There is no harm in trying to wheel and deal. Ultimately like all sales, your in charge since your the buyer.

Hope this helps.

As far as a suggestion, Taylor has come out with about 5 or 6 different irons sets in the last two years. Look hard into the previous models as you may be able to get a steal on some "old model" irons that are very nice.

Good luck and hit em straight