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Carry an unlit cigar


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
Interesting read, though I'm not sure I'm up for that much harassment.

Just this past Monday I was on the top of a huge parking deck preparing to watch fireworks with some friends. A guy lit up his cigar next to us and two of the girls complained amoungst themselves for a bit. These are the same friends who I smoke all the time around and they have even smoked with me! :wtf:


The Bull
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Feb 19, 2011
Georgetown, ON (Toronto)
I've been doing it a lot lately. You do get looks, especially when you hold it in your mouth. You get that double take, like 'is that lit'. No one has said shit though, other then finding other fellow cigar smokers, and striking up conversation. There is a lot more of us out there then ya think.
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Mar 2, 2009
Houston, TX
I don't care if I get looks and I'm generally up for an argument when I know I'm right. I might start doing this at work. Occasionally, you will run into other cigar smokers and have a nice conversation about it.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


BoM Nov '12 & May '13
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Jun 29, 2011
I carry a unlit cigar in my front pocket all of the time, even at work. With work, people begin to expect it, like when I always have a cup of coffee regardless of the hour of day. Most of the time, it's a cigar that I haven't started smoking yet... unless it's the weekend in a less expensive shirt... all of my shirts have a front pocket. I agree with the other posts, it's usually roots out all of the other cigar smokers and leads to a good conversation.

My work switched to google mail from Lotus notes and the avatar used on this forum is the one that I use at work! Since it's based on the google default avatar, most people do not notice it... I'm waiting on IT or HR to tell me to change it... I'm a proud cigar smoker! Most people think it's hilarious when they do notice it.
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Apr 8, 2011
The Dark Side
On the weekends I carry my herfador around a lot, some times an unlit cigar. I haven't run into any arguements or other cigar smokers. Not yet any way.

Cheers :ccool:


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
This might not be a popular opinion here on a cigar forum, but I think there is a time and place to smoke in public. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cigar smokers' rights and am a CRA member, but I only believe in smoking in designated areas in public or places where it doesn't bother people in a public setting. I hate cigarette smoke and can't stand smelling it when I'm somewhere public where I don't think it belongs, so it would be hypocritical of me to think cigar smoke is better. Anywhere public like fairs etc where it should be for kids is not somewhere I believe cigar smoking should be okay unless you are away from the people. Even when I was in Nicaragua where smoking is legal in public places like restaurants etc, I made sure to sit in the far corner where smoke would be blown away from people.

Anyway, just my opinion. It just pisses me off when places like cigar lounges/bars and other adult outdoor areas like patios are taken away from smokers so I understand all your complaints even though I might not agree with it all.


Navin R Johnson
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Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
I carry a unlit cigar in my front pocket all of the time, even at work. With work, people begin to expect it, like when I always have a cup of coffee regardless of the hour of day. Most of the time, it's a cigar that I haven't started smoking yet... unless it's the weekend in a less expensive shirt... all of my shirts have a front pocket. I agree with the other posts, it's usually roots out all of the other cigar smokers and leads to a good conversation.

My work switched to google mail from Lotus notes and the avatar used on this forum is the one that I use at work! Since it's based on the google default avatar, most people do not notice it... I'm waiting on IT or HR to tell me to change it... I'm a proud cigar smoker! Most people think it's hilarious when they do notice it.
Ha ha ha... that avatar is too funny - nice one.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
I agree that we need to go out of our way to be respectful to others when in public. The fact is that cigars put out a LOT of smoke most of the time (though it's usually far better smelling that cigarettes, even to non-smokers). It will work against us to get an even more of an "annoying cigar guy" image.

However, in designated areas where we have every right to smoke, I'm all for it. I still won't light up around kids, and will usually stand as far away from people as possible out of politness (most people really do appreciate that).

I'm been a victim of anti-cigar biased at resturaunts and such. That's why if I'm going to burn something at a resturaunt or what not, I bring SMALL CIGARS like a Petite Tatuaje or something. It usually works in the States, but here in Japan it's even less of a problem because disigner cigarretes are very popular, and often have darker paper/wrappers. So people would just assume it's one of those.


I sell cigars
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Sep 19, 2010
Manchester, NH
I smoke in public all the time and never have issues. If theres a lot of people walking by me on the sidewalk i simply wont puff until they are past me. And if there are kids anywhere within 30 feet of me I absolutly wont take a puff whatsoever. I think the best way to improve our image is just to be couteous to those around us rather than testing our boundries with unlit cigars.
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Feb 22, 2009
Let's be courteous and understanding of non-smokers. This whole thing about our freedom being infringed upon is kind of silly. We're not going to help our image by being arrogant and instigating. It sounds like the guy that wrote this article or "call to arms" is someone that gets off on confrontation.

I am not one of those people. I like to live in the middle. Smoking should not be banned in private businesses that don't wish to ban (bars, late-night restaurants, etc.), wide open parks, beaches and places of the sort. However, where kids are present (and that is alot of places) no one should be smoking. In crowded cities be mindful of others. I would hate to be in New York City walking home from work only to be caught a few feet behind a cigarette smoker all the way home. It's all about being reasonable.

If we show respect for others and set ourselves apart from cigarette smokers with our demeanor and poise then maybe we'll see legislation that separates cigarette smokes and cigar smokers. Let's be bigger and better men. Let's get back the image that we deserve, as men of class, by acting like it.

I have no problem smoking on my patio, and I live in an apartment. Why don't I have issues? Because I visited each one of my neighbors and apologized in advance if my cigar smoke we're to venture into their apt thru an open window. I made it a point to personally speak to my neighbors about the issue, rather than wait until they complained. Do they complain? Nope. Class gets you a long way. You'll be surprised how far a smile and being courteous can get you.
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Let's be courteous and understanding of non-smokers. This whole thing about our freedom being infringed upon is kind of silly. We're not going to help our image by being arrogant and instigating. It sounds like the guy that wrote this article or "call to arms" is someone that gets off on confrontation.

I am not one of those people. I like to live in the middle. Smoking should not be banned in private businesses that don't wish to ban (bars, late-night restaurants, etc.), wide open parks, beaches and places of the sort. However, where kids are present (and that is alot of places) no one should be smoking. In crowded cities be mindful of others. I would hate to be in New York City walking home from work only to be caught a few feet behind a cigarette smoker all the way home. It's all about being reasonable.

If we show respect for others and set ourselves apart from cigarette smokers with our demeanor and poise then maybe we'll see legislation that separates cigarette smokes and cigar smokers. Let's be bigger and better men. Let's get back the image that we deserve, as men of class, by acting like it.

I have no problem smoking on my patio, and I live in an apartment. Why don't I have issues? Because I visited each one of my neighbors and apologized in advance if my cigar smoke we're to venture into their apt thru an open window. I made it a point to personally speak to my neighbors about the issue, rather than wait until they complained. Do they complain? Nope. Class gets you a long way. You'll be surprised how far a smile and being courteous can get you.
* Like * :thumbsup:


Master Blend
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Feb 22, 2011
Midwest, USA
My work switched to google mail from Lotus notes and the avatar used on this forum is the one that I use at work! Since it's based on the google default avatar, most people do not notice it... I'm waiting on IT or HR to tell me to change it... I'm a proud cigar smoker! Most people think it's hilarious when they do notice it.
As an HR Manager myself, I wouldn't have any issue with it unless people at work perceived it to be a blunt.. :smokingme


Living the Dream
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Sep 12, 2009
I agree with AlohaStyle about not bothering people and at the same time, I try to always carry an unlit cigar in public. It's not lit so no harm done.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I've done this for years and it's funny when others look or stare at it like it's going to explode. I've had some ask me if I'm going to smoke it and I answer that I am going to smoke it when the urge strikes me. Most times it's some old broad who gets all offended and starts waving her hands back and forth and I lean over and tell her...."yeah,,,some of the perfume these women wear reeks to high heaven, don't they?"
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Oct 31, 2009
My philosophy is that cigar smoking is mostly an outdoor affair unless it's inside a cigar bar or otherwise where lots of people are smoking and it's not a problem for anyone who isn't. The only outside places where it might not be cool is where the smoke is lingering heavy or blowing on the breeze on someone who doesn't like it. I don't want to offend anyone, even those who have what I think are pompous sensibilities. If someone is being bothered by my cigar smoke I will not enjoy my cigar and that's why I smoke them, not for some quick nico fix like most cigarette smokers. There's not much worse about cigar smoking than a rushed smoke, or where you're uncomfortably hot or cold or there is some other issue going on where you are not completely relaxed and at ease.

What does get my goat though is places that ban tobacco products of any kind, like signs I've seen in hospitals lately where I've been visiting people. Apparently even an unlit cigar in my pocket would be forbidden. Give me a break. I feel like making a sign that says "No Fat People Allowed" and putting it on the door too. Or maybe "Vegetarians Only." Hey, it's a "health issue" too, right? Hell, cigars are a "green" product, their production is "sustainable," it employs lots of people in "developing coutries," tobacco is a "renewable resource" and taxes on it generate a ton of government revenue. Cigars should be a dream product for both sides of the political spectrum.

While I'm on the soapbox here, the other signs that piss me off are the ones that say "No Weapons" and usually show a handgun with a red circle-with-line through it. Never mind my home state (Fla.) allows concealed weapons permits. Usually these signs will be at the same places that have "No Tobacco Products" signs. Unless they're providing me with an armed escort who can shoot as good as I can and they'll guarantee my safety, screw that. The pompousity and self-righteousness is nauseating. Like if I'm legally carrying a concealed pistol and an unlit cigar I'm some menace to society.

Rant mode off.


Aging Daily
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Jun 15, 2011
I usually carry a unlit cigar with me, not for confrontation reasons, but because I plan on smoking it later. :) I generally smoke 1-2 a day. I've walked around the mall "chewing" on a cigar... gas stations, grocery store, etc... I've had the good experience and the bad. As has been stated, most people who don't want to tackle you end up being people who also smoke cigars, so the encounter is usually positive.

Then you run in to the obnoxious ones who have nothing positive to tell you, I hate those people. I've gotten in word battles on patio's of restaurants and bars, where smoking is allowed - but my cigar was frowned upon. I've been threatened with "I'm going to throw up on you" (true story).

I don't smoke cigarettes, and I understand the smoking ban(s) in certain respects. I don't flick my cigar ash on the side walk, I don't toss my cigar butt in the parking lot or streets, I don't dump my cigar clippings at the stop light... I've seen people do ALL THOSE THINGS with cigarettes. So because of that I DO UNDERSTAND. I feel cigar smoking is a completely different animal - because it is. WE as cigar smokers don't disrespect city sidewalks, parking lots, etc with ashes or filter butt's. We don't burn rest room sinks or vanities with our cigars... There is a HUGE difference between cigarette smoking and cigar enjoying.

Unfortunately we've been piled all together, and that's the hardship we are faced with. Cigar smokers generally get together for HOURS at a time, drink, eat, whatever, and inject a lot more profit in to said establishment vs your average 5 minute cigarette smoker. I know when I smoke with a buddy of mine, its not uncommon for us to knock back a few cocktails, tip our server, etc... Most cigarette smokers will walk outside a place of business for those 3-5 minutes, regardless if its 105 degrees outside, or -10 below... smoke, toss their filter and be done. Never having spent a cent. :dunno: I guess they f'ed it up for the rest of us............



Big Gulps, huh?
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Mar 28, 2011
Brooklyn Park, MN
I've done this for years and it's funny when others look or stare at it like it's going to explode. I've had some ask me if I'm going to smoke it and I answer that I am going to smoke it when the urge strikes me. Most times it's some old broad who gets all offended and starts waving her hands back and forth and I lean over and tell her...."yeah,,,some of the perfume these women wear reeks to high heaven, don't they?"
You should say that it'd do a good job of masking the smell coming from between their legs, instead.