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casablanca jeroboam

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Jun 29, 2010
hi their need some help, im from the uk and looking to buy some casa blanca jeroboam 10x66 ive looked on loads of sites mostly usa and none of them ship to the uk can u please help
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Oct 8, 2008
North Cackalacki
So you have access to ccs on a regular basis and you want Casa Blancas??? :squinteye

just kidding! To each their own! You like what you like.

From what i understand Casa Blanca is a JR Cigar product. You can find it other places, but that's probably where they got them from as well. Looks like you can get a box of 5 of the behemoths for under 6 bucks a stick from JR.

Call this number (888) 574-3576 and maybe they can help you.

other wise, I'd glady trade some Habanos for Casa Blancas. :ccool: