BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
Well tonight was a little interesting. Long story short we have a few USPS boxes surrounding both are Xmas trees. The pup seems to like to sit under the trees. Then when we are not looking try to bight at ornaments or even worse lights. Well I was cleaning up after dinner and the wife had just started to go online to look at a few more Xmas gifts for family. It seems the dog was able to get past all the boxes. All of a sudden the dog starts yelping over and over again from under the tree. I ran and grabbed him about 10 ft from the tree and hes still yelping. He starts to lose ALL bowl movements and a few seconds later vomit. After a couple mins only shaking is left in him. I just kept saying thank god, thank god he's still alive. He's washed up now and so am I.(got all over me) Right now I have no children and he with out a doubt is like our only child. Needless to say the lights are all unplugged, the boxes are secured with tape (both to themselves and even to the trim). Commence with a big glass of George T. Stagg going to calm the nerves.