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Cigar Tasting: A guide for Newbies by a Newbie

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Jul 24, 2014
Holland, MI
There's a LOT of discussion around these forums about tasting cigars, developing your palate, recognizing flavors. These posts are obviously mostly from new smokers wondering how people can recognize certain flavors in cigars, and why they can't seem to achieve this level of flavor recognition. Why a cigar review can list 13 specific flavors, but they can't pick them all out while smoking that cigar. A majority of these posts are met with the same wave of responses. "Your palate will change and develop as you smoke"..."Retrohale and swirl the smoke in your mouth"..."Keep smoking, you'll get there". The main point is, cigar reviews are pretty overwhelming to a new smoker, and the fact that you can't recognize all the flavors that are described in the review can be a pretty harsh thing to accept at first. But fear not my fellow cigar rookies, there is hope yet!

First and foremost, I have to paraphrase a motto by a home brewing icon Charlie Papazian. In his book "The Complete Joy of Homebrewing" Charlie P. repeatedly says RDWHAHB (Relax, Don't Worry, Have A Home Brew). This same mentality can be used while starting your journey down the long and winding road that is cigar smoking. RDWEYC...Relax, Don't Worry, Enjoy Your Cigar. Seriously, just stop trying, stop worrying, stop tasting. Just sit back and enjoy your cigar. Put on some relaxing music, grab a tasty beverage, recline in your favorite chair. Instead of trying to pick out each individual flavor, look at the list of flavors as a collection, as a complex experience of multiple aromas all coming together. The less effort you put towards trying to pick out specific flavors, the more you'll be able to take in the cigar as a whole and enjoy the overall experience of that specific cigar. As you smoke, you'll start to recognize things happening on your tounge, and these are the flavors that you're looking for, you just had to stop looking.

The second key would have to be retrohaling. Learn what this is, learn how to do it, learn to enjoy it. It's harsh, it's unpleasant, it might throw you into a fit of sneezing...but it WILL help you taste your cigar. The reason for this is that your tongue can only recognize certain flavors, but your nose can recognize many more aromas, and these will translate into flavors. Let your body do what it's meant to do, get your nose involved in your smoking. It will hate you at first, but once you teach it who's boss, it will help you in ways you couldn't imagine. It will just become part of your smoking process, and will let you really get to enjoy everything your cigar has to offer.

The third major point I want to make is to just SLOW DOWN! I've had many nights where I'm out by myself just smoking a cigar with some music on, and I've ripped through a cigar in 30-45 minutes. NOT OK for a full sized cigar! Find something to do. Grab a book, a magazine, a crossword puzzle, some needles and yarn, crochet something...the point is, do something other than smoke your cigar. If all you're doing is smoking, you're going to end up smoking too fast, the cigar is going to get too hot, and the flavors are going to get harsh. Take your mind off your smoke, this will also play in with point #1 about relaxing. If you're not focusing so much on the cigar, you're going to be able to relax and just enjoy the smoke to it's fullest. This is when you'll really be able to taste your cigar as a whole and enjoy all the flavors it has to offer.

In the end, I guess I could really sum this up with one major point. Just stop trying so hard to taste your cigars, and you'll taste them better than ever. So many things in life are done so much better when you just stop worrying about how well you're doing them. You aren't a professional cigar reviewer. You haven't been smoking cigars for 20+ years. You are out to enjoy the experience that is a certain cigar, and you need to just let that experience happen. When you stop trying to taste, you'll taste better than ever.
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Aug 2, 2014
Some decent points that echo what others were saying. With regards to cigar reviewers, I think you give them too much credence and are missing the bias that encourages them to embellish their reviews.

I do Agree, the importance of describing is not all that important, unless you are communicating to an audience.

Cigar reviewers can be incredibly descriptive when a cigar band is present. Give them a cigar without a band their review becomes much more realistic.
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Jul 22, 2014
West Columbia, SC
Good post. I'm pretty new myself and have just been trying to enjoy cigars. I can tell if I like it or not which really is the most important thing right? There have been a couple times I've been able to pick up a flavor other than tobacco I got a little excited in the moment, but I don't even remember which cigars they were.

Funny you mention doing something else while you smoke, the other day I was thinking I need to get a book for when I smoke by myself.


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
Some great points there OP, thank you for sharing. I've only been smoking a few years, and it's good to have this as a reminder to slow down and enjoy my cigars.

I know a cigar rep named Darrell, and he said something I'll always take with me. He said, "Smoking a cigar is like being on a mini vacation." I try to keep that in mind when I smoke.
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Mar 18, 2014
Herriman Utah
Some really good advice. I have only been smoling for a little over a year and I am sure ther are guys on this board that have smoked more cigars in a month than i have ever smoked. Cigars are my way to relax, wind down and let the world float away. I have picked up a few flavors and everytime I do it suprises me. I am doing this for the experiance. if a certian flover is part of that then great if not then great too.
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Jul 20, 2014
Olean, NY
Excellent post and points. Nothing better than relaxing at the end of a long day with a good smoke on the deck under the stars, but as you stated I find when I take the tablet out and read cigar forum posts while I smoke I take my time (to the point of an occasional re-light) and when the battery dies I smoke much faster. Be the turtle - slow and steady is the way to roll
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Mar 23, 2014
Great post, I've done one or two reviews and my reviews seemed lacking in flavor description, but I do pick up some things here and there. I usually have to have a book to read or else I'll smoke too fast. Actually, that's usually when I smoke, when I'm reading a good book. That's how I started enjoying cigars when I turned 18. I would climb up a tree with a cigar and I would read books. I mostly just climbed the tree so my parents wouldn't know I was smoking, but I enjoy reading while smoking. Again, great post and great suggestions.