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Cigars sat in car

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Jun 18, 2012
Gentlemen, and ladies,

My lovely wife just returned home from her parents house to bring me my cigar caddy travel case. I had 6 cigars in there. Two being opus x's another two were some oliva's and the remaining two were my fathers.

Issue I have (and the reason for this post) is that she put the travel case in her carabout 3 hours ago. It's freakin 96 degrees outside and the black travel box was needless to say, pretty damn warm.

Am I SOL?! Or should I start pulling them out and storing them in the fridge?

A question I havent had a chance to post up quite yet but will apply here now is, if I do the freeze trick to make these smokable again, what (if any) flavor loss will occur? Is this process just plain stupid?

Thanksfor yalls help!

Don't know what to say to the wife right now.... She obviously didn't know, but dangit.....


Tobacco Giant

Conn. Broadleaf Slayer
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Jul 14, 2011
Personally, I don't think 3 hours is along enough to cause a rampant beetle infestation if that is what you're getting at. If they were in your travel case, were you planning on smoking them soon anyway? I personally wouldn't worry about them, but if it makes you feel better you can put them in their own plastic bag before slipping them back in the humi.


BoM June '09
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Dec 25, 2008
Dallas, Texas
That is just not long enough for beetles to hatch, I would not worry about it, but as was said, put them in a separate bag for a while if it will make you feel better :)


BoM Nov '12 & May '13
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Jun 29, 2011
Hey Chrisso... if you think about it, when a manufacture transports its cigars from their factories to the States and from their warehouses to the B&Ms, they will be under similar, if not, more extreme temperature situations for short periods of time. Also, I've accidentally left my travel humidor in the car for similar time periods. I would just left them rest for a bit and smoke them. There is no need to stick them in a fridge and they should smoke fine. Anyway, that's my experience. Others may have a different opinion.
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Jul 12, 2010
Don't fret, it gets hot where these things are rolled and stored. Since it was only 6 sticks, just to be on the safe side, depending on your smoking frequency, stick them in a bag,let them come back to room temp which looks like you did, and just store them there. Don't' stick them in the fridge as that'll be a rapid temp change and you'll have minimally, wrapper damage. If you smoke em in a week or two, they'll be fine and separated from your other sticks just to be careful. Unless they got really hot and expanded/tore, meaning physically unsmokeable, you should be ok. Hey and your wife didn't know so just give her a little cigar 101 about temps storage and you're favorites for any holidays/gifts and things will be fine. G1
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Jun 18, 2012
I still new to keeping cigars, so that's why I'm being anal. They are kinda soft and warm so that's why I freaked out. They weren't "officially" in there quite 3 hours, but I'm hoping that's the real story.

I was actually hoping to smoke one of the opus x today, but stayed home working off a wicked hangover from drinking at the in-laws the day before. I have a 17 month old kiddo so I can't handle my liquor like I used to back in the day. So there's t he weekend story.



Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I wouldn't worry too much about it. 3 hours at a higher temp should not cause any damage or flavor loss. Think about buying cigars online. They sit on a UPS or USPS truck for 2-3 days and then are delivered to your house on another truck and placed in your mailbox where they sit for at least 3 hours until you get home. The 3 hours they spent in your car are nothing by comparison.

If you are worried about them not smoking right, let them sit in your humidor for a couple of weeks and they will return to normal humidity. Freezing or refrigerating would not be a good idea because it would dry them out too quickly which will cause damage. The only reason that you would want to freeze them would be to kill off a potential beetle outbreak but I do not think that 3 hours at a higher temperature is going to create any beetle issues.

Take a deep breath and relax....your smokes should be fine.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
I'd be more concerned with the alcohol tolerance than the cigars.
Wholeheartedly agree with you there, brother...

Chrisso, when the kiddo turns three, you are going to need your tolerance back. Remember, if you don't use it you lose it. Get back on that horse, brother!


<b>Lead Moderator</b>
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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Cigars are living breathing things. They do not like temperature fluctuations much same as you and I. Treat them like you would treat a person. Id you get overheated, you lie down and rest for a while. Don't over do it. Just let them rest at 70 degrees for a day or two; more if you can stand it. I would keep them in their own baggie.
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Jun 18, 2012
Well, I will consider Saturdays ordeal as my training for getting back on the horse. Just preparing myself for the 4th. Itll be the first vacation ive had since the son was born.

CWS, very good point brotha! They will be sitting in the humi atleast till this weekend. If I need a smoke, ill go get another one at the local. I did put the ones that werent still in cello in their own little ziplock bags. But everything is seperated.

Thanks again everyone for your help!

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Apr 5, 2012
South Carolina
I agree- don't worry about beetles. I have had similar experiences with cigars in the extreme heat of summer here in SC. The worst thing I've experienced is dry and/or cracked wrappers. I was able to save them by sticking them back in the humi for a good long while.