Starbucks bought them out a few years ago. It's a really interesting coffee maker that is basically a hybrid of the Vacuum & French Press brewing methods. I've had a few cups from one that a local shop here in Columbus bought before Char-bucks bought them out (I think I paid $6 for a cup) & they were really good. You can control every variable under the sun (temperature to .01 degrees, steep time to the second, etc.) and you can really "dial in" the perfect way to brew a specific coffee to highlight & accentuate the positive attributes of it. Is it $11,000 good? Prolly not, but it's not intended for home use though either. Of course, running the burnt, stale, over roasted swill coffee that Starbucks has through it totally defeats the purpose to me too. Plus, one of the biggest variables in making good coffee (grind particle size) isn't addressed as you have to add pre-ground coffee to the machine (it doesn't have a grinder)! That's a deal breaker to me!