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crack dealer phone


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Dec 13, 2004
Tampa, FL
I had a good chuckle when I saw "t-Mobile" no contract phones referred to as "crack dealer" phones.

sorry, but i just cant justify paying contract rates on cell phones.

I have a t-mobile 4g monthly plan that gives me 100 minutes, unlimited text, and unlimited data. Data gets throttled down at a certain point, but i have never even come close to that point.

Paid $200 for the samsung exhibit 2 4g.

I downloaded 2 apps.

first was GrooVe IP. That gives me unlimited calling using data. Call quality has been excellent. as good as my blackberry using verizon. I know that some folks have lousy service with data calls, but I have been very happy with mine.

next downloaded app was SVTP. This turned my phone into a wifi hotspot. works perfectly, and for my use, not sucking up data. I have used it with my HP Touchpad, Blackberry Playbook, and 2 netbooks.

I also get to run credit cards through my phone.

This phone has turned into a great business tool for me, and all for $30 a month.

I guess those crack dealers are pretty smart..LOL
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Dec 27, 2010
Greenfield, CA
I would do the same however I live in the middle of nowhere so only the big companies have towers near here. Until recently you could not communicate at all in certain parts of the county so ATT and Verizon have us by the short and curlies. If you live in the city TMobile works perfectly.