The helmet was made two years ago. His playing days are over though. Too much travel. Total burnout for him and me.all I can say is WOW. lady liberty, The bell and uncle sam! The bad assness alone should fear the pucks away! I like how uncle sam is rolling his sleeves up about to get down and dirty. That is some really awesome airbrush work! He did an amazing job. That's funny the guy who painted it is from up north! Is that for your son that's about to go to college?
I'm really hoping I don't burn my son out as he grows older but im going to support him fully if he wants to play non stop. Select teams are tough on goalies. My buddy would go to try outs and there would be 10-20 goalies for two spots. I'm thinking my sons probably going to be a power forward with his brute strengths, size, and legs.The helmet was made two years ago. His playing days are over though. Too much travel. Total burnout for him and me.
How long did it take you to sew it?I had one little quirk when i bought my house. I had to have an american flag that was made n america to hang on my porch!
Yep...Me too! For the past 11 years I have flown one, and a few years before that at our condo. Needs replacing soon, tho..I had one little quirk when i bought my house. I had to have an american flag that was made n america to hang on my porch!
He's 17 (HS senior). He was on some putrid teams the past few years. Tired of getting shellacked 12-0 or worse at tourneys with virtually no help in front of him. He could always have done something better as a goalie, but more often than not his idiot teammates would blame him...hello, some goal support would be nice!!Sweet mask!
Too bad on the burnout. How old? Have always loved the travel aspect of hockey, like little family vacations.