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Daylight Savings Time


Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA
Daylight Savings Time Warning: Accidents increase with time change

In our chronically sleep deprived society, losing another hour to “spring forward” for daylight savings time seems trivial. However, studies have shown that it’s not. For example, there is a significant increase in the number of fatal car accidents on the Monday following the spring time change, compared to the rest of the year. Why? According to the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research, people find it generally easier to adjust to a longer day than a shorter day. At the start of daylight savings time in the spring, we actually have one longer “25 hour” day (compared to the end of daylight savings time in the fall, when we experience one shorter “23 hour” day). In addition:

Losing an extra hour of sleep could affect our ability to focus.
Our spring time change forward is analogous to jet lag when you travel eastward to another time zone.

It is just harder to wake up, so people are often running late and rushing to work.

7 ways to spring forward safely

The following tips may help reduce the effects of shifting to daylight savings time:

Change your clocks early in the day on Saturday so that you can start to adjust to the time shift mentally and physically.

Get plenty of rest over the weekend so that waking up “earlier” isn’t overly difficult, but do stick to your usual bedtime on Saturday night and your usual wake up time on Sunday morning.

Avoid napping on Sunday and set your alarm for your usual wake-up time on Monday.

Keep your schedule as light as possible on Monday; try to minimize driving and any activities that require strenuous mental effort or difficult judgment calls.

Don’t rely on caffeine to wake you up or alcohol to put you to sleep.
Eat properly, stay well hydrated, and remain physically active.

Keep reminding yourself that you’ll adjust to the time change soon.
Importance of sleep

Discussing daylight savings time is a good reminder about how important sleep is to good health. The National Sleep Foundation and other health organizations point out that we don’t get as much sleep as we should — and we’re paying the price in drowsiness and fatigue that affect our physical and mental health and threaten public safety. For example, poor or inadequate sleep contributes to memory lapses, trouble learning, mood problems, and medical troubles such as reduced immunity and heart disease.

A sleepless night or two or a short-lived bout of insomnia is generally nothing to worry about. The bigger concern is chronic partial sleep loss — that is, failing to get enough sleep night after night. That can happen because you have a medical condition that interferes with sleep or your hectic lifestyle simply means less time for sleep. Researchers have found that after two weeks, people sleeping four to six hours a night are as cognitively impaired as those who have been awake for two or three days.

Some people have a very rigid internal clock and have trouble adjusting to daylight savings time. If after a few days you find that you haven’t adjusted to your new sleep schedule, talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS

I just wait until the following morning and then spring forward or backwards.


An OG with low post count
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Dec 9, 2004
I hate it!! I cannot stand the fact it gets darker earlier. nothing like going to to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.
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May 1, 2007
Bonaire, GA
You Arizona types...

When I was at school at UA, my parents would call me and ask me what time it was there. I would say, the same time it was yesterday!

The only problem was finding some tv shows on cable.


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Feb 22, 2005
I hate it I hate it I hate it. The government says it decreases the amount of time our lights are on in the house etc. but I say BS. My lights are now on an hour earlier in the evening and nothing changed in the morning. *pft*
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Jun 6, 2007
Tampa Bay, FL
yay...dog woke me up at 6:00 instead of 7:00 this morning

datlight savings time should go the way of the dodo

at this point, it only serves to remind politicians that we're compliant sheep


Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA
Our football team is seeded first in the playoffs and so for us this means that we'll be practicing with the lights on right from the start for the next few weeks!