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Do full bodied cigars burn out your palate?

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Jan 30, 2017
I'm a fan of full bodied Maduro's and Oscuro's, I generally smoke once a day. Day before yesterday I smoked a Leaf By Oscar Sumatra and last night I had a Sobremesa. In my opinion both very good medium to medium/full bodied cigars, but after smoking them I felt like there was something missing. The flavors just weren't as identifiable.

Have I burned out my palate?


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
If you're used to smoking full bodied cigars then that kind of thing becomes rare unless you smoke more than one. I usually try to drink something that will help coat my tongue...Amarula, Baileys, etc. as it absorbs the harshness that can come with very stout tobaccos. Usually when smoking it's the hot acrid smoke that will cause those issues...slow down the draws and develop a pattern that is usually popular...puff puff draw. When you take a long draw the combustion becomes hotter and that brings in a hotter smoke which lands on your tongue and mouth tissues and that's what burns and stings. Repeat this process over and over and it's the equivalent of tongue bite while smoking a pipe.
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Jan 30, 2017
I smoke full bodied cigars slowly but I do have a habit of nubbing them to the point I get a lot of hot smoke and it is reasonable to think "burned the palate" in the sense of actual physical damage is what's happening. I was thinking along the lines of if you are accustomed to a lot of seasoning in your gumbo there is something obviously missing in the flavors when you forget to add the salt.

I'll keep your advice in mind and do as so many other burners do and just put it down when I start getting hot smoke. Thanks for the insight.


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Jul 26, 2016
Lucedale MS
I've found that nubbing a cigar runs a big chance of burning out my palette... Even if I'm careful, that smoke gets hot under an inch or two. Bold smokes, like sobremesa, seems to be worse about it than the milder stuff.. So, if I'm nubbing a cigar, I just make sure there's plenty to drink! Lol, it definitely helps.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I smoke full bodied cigars slowly but I do have a habit of nubbing them to the point I get a lot of hot smoke and it is reasonable to think "burned the palate" in the sense of actual physical damage is what's happening. I was thinking along the lines of if you are accustomed to a lot of seasoning in your gumbo there is something obviously missing in the flavors when you forget to add the salt.

I'll keep your advice in mind and do as so many other burners do and just put it down when I start getting hot smoke. Thanks for the insight.
Nubbing a cigar is a bit different...slow your cadence down...take shorter draws...purge towards the end but if the cigar still tastes great but is still smoking "hot"....grab a Dr. Grabow or Cob Pipe and put the rest of the tobacco in there and smoke it up. Waste not want not!


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Jul 14, 2015
Sometimes smoking too many cigars in a day and too fast can just burn out your palate. Take a day off, rest your palate, drink lots of water, have some sorbet (I know that's weird but it works) and get back at it then next day. When I go to the IPCPR I hate smoking every cigar I'm given because my palate is destroyed - I used to do that the first few years. Now I just bring my own and bring back the cigars I want to enjoy. Makes the world of difference. Naturally I want to smoke fast - so I try to force myself to slow down. It doesn't matter how strong or mild the cigar is - smoking too many and too fast will burn out your palate regardless! Nothing wrong with taking a day off.

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Mar 29, 2017
The key secret to not wear out the palate is hydration. Lots of water, trust me I smoke all day and night. As long as I am not dehydrated I can go all day and night with no issues

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Mar 9, 2017
Just did few days in a row smoking multiple cigars a day (for my palate what I consider fuller cigars) and my tongue felt a little different this morning. Almost like I burned it. Anyway, will be traveling so hopefully will recover in time for the weekend.
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Aug 20, 2017
Eastern North Carolina
I'll second the Bailey's... when I'm smoking a full bodied stick this always does the trick. I usually don't do more than one a day but on the rare occasion this helps out. I've often wondered as well is it more of a "the flavors aren't as strong" issue rather than a "burning of the palate"?