Brother Borealis
It's been a busy and expensive couple of days. Thursday evening, after his last potty break of the night, The Wife noticed that our dog, Kroger, was gimpier than usual to the point that he had a really hard time getting out of bed. You could tell by looking at him that he didn't even want to try. We figured he took a bad step on the ice or even fell. I took him to our vet yesterday morning and he initially agreed that he might've aggravated his arthritis (he's 13) but he wanted to perform an ultrasound to rule out issues with his spleen. He's seen quite a few problem spleens lately. Sure enough, there was at least one suspicious mass and what appeared to be free blood in the gut. It wasn't an emergency yet but could be without much notice, so he had surgery that afternoon.
While the spleen was in pretty rough shape, it was intact. The culprit turned out to be the caudate lobe of his liver. When we went in last night, our regular vet was out on a call but the junior vet showed us pics of the procedure and when we didn't react squeamishly to those (we both have medical field experience) he brought the specimens out. More than half of the spleen was ridden with nodules and the liver section was bruised and weepy looking on one end. But he's home, on the mend, and much more chipper than yesterday morning. He's just not very happy with the Cone of Shame:
While the spleen was in pretty rough shape, it was intact. The culprit turned out to be the caudate lobe of his liver. When we went in last night, our regular vet was out on a call but the junior vet showed us pics of the procedure and when we didn't react squeamishly to those (we both have medical field experience) he brought the specimens out. More than half of the spleen was ridden with nodules and the liver section was bruised and weepy looking on one end. But he's home, on the mend, and much more chipper than yesterday morning. He's just not very happy with the Cone of Shame: