Is it Nicaraguan
Arguably one of the worst franchises in all of pro sports, the Clippers owe their fate to Karma belonging to their owner. One needn't look any further than their history since moving from Buffalo (with a short respite in San Diego) to know that this team is haunted. The situation is only exacerbated by their tool of an owner.
From being a slum lord, to not knowing how to operate an NBA franchise (see Danny Manning and the numerous top flight draft picks who have come and gone) to the fact than no big name players ever consider plating for this jack ass, Donald Sterling is the poster boy for Ass Hattery.
How in good conscience do you, a multi millionaire, not cover the cost of Prostate Cancer surgery for one of your employees. Even if you have to do it as a one off, you do it.
Not this clown.
Well, Blake Griffin, if you stay healthy and you like living in LA, the Lakers would love to have you switch locker rooms when your contract is up.
From being a slum lord, to not knowing how to operate an NBA franchise (see Danny Manning and the numerous top flight draft picks who have come and gone) to the fact than no big name players ever consider plating for this jack ass, Donald Sterling is the poster boy for Ass Hattery.
How in good conscience do you, a multi millionaire, not cover the cost of Prostate Cancer surgery for one of your employees. Even if you have to do it as a one off, you do it.
Not this clown.
Well, Blake Griffin, if you stay healthy and you like living in LA, the Lakers would love to have you switch locker rooms when your contract is up.