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Dutch Licorice

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Sep 12, 2014
Hermiston, OR
A few years ago i was treated to some Dutch Licorice. Back in that time I could only find it truely in Holland. So I stopped looking but I just found a website that says they sale honest dutch Licorice and wonder if anyone has ever ordered from this website. It is called dutchsweets dot com.

I like Black Licorice to the point that I look every time I go to the market. When I happen to find some I buy but have been very disappointed. Nothing can be Zout licorice other then true Holland licorice.

So Most of the Zout or Zoute depends on the maker and double Zoute Licorice I would like
On the sweet side I miss most is called Zoete Zwarte Wit Licorice Powder. Strange to think about it but when I had some I was like wow that is cool lol. also Gustaf's Double Dekker Duo's, They are cool double decker buses that are licorice and fruit flavors!

Also like the 100% Butter Stroopwafels- Verwij

Anyone ordered from them before? I am just looking to see if they are a good online site?

Thanks for any insight.
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Sep 12, 2014
Hermiston, OR
Clint, I have to admit the Dutch like their Licorice and most times it isn't as most might expect. You see most of the people in America sorry USA think of candy being sweet. Not all but 95% of my Dutch friends say saltier the better. I have come to agree. Now I wouldn't recommend that you jump out there and try the double Zoute right off. In fact some of the single Zoute is salty enough. They have a sweet spot too, again this is a far cry of what most can get local. Just be careful you could get hooked.
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Sep 12, 2014
Hermiston, OR
There is more then one America, so meant USA sorry should have left out sorry added "USA" still confusing Craig Mac I think got it