Texas Cop
Cavalry Scout
The Army still doesn't know what to do with me, as my issues have not all been resolved yet, and I'm coming up on 7 months in treatment now...So I've started exploring my options just in case...I have an opportunity to go back to Houston, and sign on with a PD I had a pplied for in the past, or I have the option to do some contracting work overseas..I've been talking with, and had an offer from one of the larger companies, as well as two lesser known ones..They like me because I've got an LE background along with my military and medical training..Anyways...What are you thoughts on overseas contracting (tactical, not construction/re-construction)? I have been thinking long and hard on at, and while it can been looked at as profiteering, almost mercenary like ( I do understand the difference between contractors and mercenaries, and while there is a line, it is pretty fine, and leaves a bit of gray area in my opinon)..Contractors do enjoy SOFA protection in most of the countries they work in, and contracting is recognized by the Geneva Convention as acceptable, so long as they (tactical contractors) don't over-step their bounds, and cross the line between security contractor/consultant, and active combatant...
What I'm not really sure about, as I said, are the ethics of the matter. I'd be seperating from the Army with my obligations completely fulfilled (if they choose to go that route), and would be accepting a knew set of obligations to the company, and my principals....But I would be taking money ( a lot more money than the Army is giving me) to provide a service that the govt. trained me to do, and charging (well, I wouldn't be charging, but the company would) them out the yang for it...Most guys hold the opinion, I did it in the (Army, Navy, MC, AF, w/e) for so little pay, that I am owed this extra pay..I disagree...But I digress, it's not that I have a problem with the pay...I just can't get over the 'mercenary' feel of the whole thing...And it is definately worse within certain companies...I mean, some of these guys act like it's the old west over there, and they are Wyatt Erp or some shit like that..
Any thoughts?
What I'm not really sure about, as I said, are the ethics of the matter. I'd be seperating from the Army with my obligations completely fulfilled (if they choose to go that route), and would be accepting a knew set of obligations to the company, and my principals....But I would be taking money ( a lot more money than the Army is giving me) to provide a service that the govt. trained me to do, and charging (well, I wouldn't be charging, but the company would) them out the yang for it...Most guys hold the opinion, I did it in the (Army, Navy, MC, AF, w/e) for so little pay, that I am owed this extra pay..I disagree...But I digress, it's not that I have a problem with the pay...I just can't get over the 'mercenary' feel of the whole thing...And it is definately worse within certain companies...I mean, some of these guys act like it's the old west over there, and they are Wyatt Erp or some shit like that..
Any thoughts?