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explaining cigar smoking to kids

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Mar 24, 2012
Newtown, CT
I know allot of you guys have kids of various ages. I have a 9 month old son. He's far to young to have to worry about him asking questions but I know that day will come. We also have allot of friends with younger kids(5-10 range). I'm curious as to what you told your kids. With all the anti tobacco being preached just about everywhere its gotta be hard to explain the differences in cigars and cigarettes. I want to raise my son in a House hold that is open about things we do so I really don't want to try to hide the fact that I smoke cigars. Im.sure everyone states the facts about it being for adults and all but what else do you do to explain to a child.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
My son is 3, but he asks what stuff is all the time. When he asks about my cigars I tell him they're for big boys. He gets it. When he gets older I imagine I'll have to go more in depth. Same thing with beer.



BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
My son is also 3. Same scenario. Before he can have a cigar, he knows that he has to:

1) Use the potty like a big boy
2) Drive a car for 2 years
3) And sign up for selective service
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Oct 31, 2009
No kids but 13 nieces and nephews. I've explained that grownups can make grownup decisions and do things like have a beer, drink a glass of wine, or smoke a cigar. These things are not good for you and VERY bad for your body when it's younger... but these things are not that bad for adults if we don't do them too much.

As for cigarettes, I've actually had to have that discussion. I explained that some adults choose to do that too... but that cigarettes have many more chemicals that are bad and make it very hard for even grownups to not smoke them too much... and that's why, as a grownup, I just choose not to even have those at all.

Surprisingly... they get it I think.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Makes you wonder why politicians can't...

They can and do. But they see screwing us over as an opportunity to benefit themselves. Anti-gun politicians shoot home intruders, and pro-life politicians get abortions. I'm sure many of the anti-cigar club have quite a collection at home.
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Sep 23, 2009
Denver, CO
I know allot of you guys have kids of various ages. I have a 9 month old son. He's far to young to have to worry about him asking questions but I know that day will come. We also have allot of friends with younger kids(5-10 range). I'm curious as to what you told your kids. With all the anti tobacco being preached just about everywhere its gotta be hard to explain the differences in cigars and cigarettes. I want to raise my son in a House hold that is open about things we do so I really don't want to try to hide the fact that I smoke cigars. Im.sure everyone states the facts about it being for adults and all but what else do you do to explain to a child.
My oldest is 4, my youngest is 1.5 years old. Most of my cigar enjoyment is done when they're sleeping, so its not something they see me do all the time. I've had a cigar while watching them play in the backyard maybe once or twice. I think my son has asked me what I was doing maybe once. Like you, I try not to hide much from my kids. My response is that I'm enjoying something only grown-ups do, and I believe my son understands what that means. He never brings iAsk me again in 5 or 10 years, and I'm sure I'll have a different answer for you ;)


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Great topic!

I have an 8 year old daughter, and I have told her that smoking cigars is not as bad for me as smoking cigarettes would be, BUT neither are really good for your health.

The last thing I want to do is lie to her, and I also don't want her to learn that a double standard is acceptable.
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Jul 20, 2011
Near Twin Cities MN
They can and do. But they see screwing us over as an opportunity to benefit themselves. Anti-gun politicians shoot home intruders, and pro-life politicians get abortions. I'm sure many of the anti-cigar club have quite a collection at home.

To add to that, most politicians hate fun, lol

But about the topic, one day when I will need to worry about this, i now have some great ways to explain it, thanks!