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Filtration anyone ?


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Nov 5, 2010
Great white North
I have been trying to figure out for a while now what the best move is for getting rid of the cigar smoke/smell when I smoke in the garage. I do have both kids' bedrooms above the garage, and want to keep the smell out of the house as much as possible. The roof of the garage is drywalled, but some smoke still seems to get in there if I have the doors closed for medium durations of time.
I installed a furnace (not a unit heater) in the garage, with a couple very light duty filters that are made with carbon impregnated material. The filters are from a filter shop, so they are not the cheapie type, but not something of the highest quality. I have played with the idea of installing an exhaust fan as well to get rid of the air higher up, as usually that is where the smoke hangs out, but would require another hole in the house that I am not partial to for no reason.

My question to anyone reading this far is; does anyone have any good/negative experience with carbon filtration, and if so, can you explain. Every web site that deals with carbon filtration states that it eliminates smoke smell. I have also looked into many air purifiers, and all the top end ones use a large amount of activated carbon in them (usually 10+ pounds) along with UV lights and whatnot. I know the UV lights are mainly there for the purification, not the smell relief, so that is not happening as it is a garage after all.
I am wondering, in a long-winded kind of way, if I should be going out and building a carbon filtration system for my garage, or would I just be wasting my time, and just exhaust all the air that I can. My only problem with that is the fact that it is cold in the winter, causing the heating bills to escalate to keep it a decent temp in the garage. I would rather circulate the air in the warm garage using the furnace fan.

Wow, thanks for reading :sarcastic
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Oct 3, 2010
If you find a solution Zed let me know! I'm in the same spot as you. We have a 2 car garage with rooms above the garage. Both my Father and I have cigars in there in the winter time.

I usually crack one of the garage doors about a foot open. It can make it colder in there but at least its warmer than outside. The colder air from outside comes in through the bottom of the garage door and the warm air from inside (with the smoke) rises out the top. But as you said the smell still gets in.

For my house I think its from small holes in the ceiling where the plumbing and whatnot goes through. My room is directly above the garage. When the heat comes on it smells like cigars in my room haha.

I would check out portable air filters on Amazon.com or something, where you can read others reviews.
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Oct 3, 2010
I came across this.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Winix-PlasmaWave-5300-Cleaner-Model/dp/B001RUS05E/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1327989098&sr=8-10"]Amazon.com: Winix PlasmaWave 5300 Air Cleaner Model: Home & Kitchen@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41FhLO1eNaL.@@AMEPARAM@@41FhLO1eNaL[/ame]


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Nov 5, 2010
Great white North
Nope. Had an Oreck XL Plus that was a POS. I will not do portable purifiers as I have the major portion of the equation already: a decent fan to move air in the furnace. I have the ability to make a carbon filtration system myself, but want to know if it is a waste of time, and should just exhaust the air. I am also not willing to pay the $600 for a good air purifier. If I get positive feedback on this, I will build something and post some pics as I have an idea of what I will build. My wife is already complaining about all the flexible ducting in the garage as it is in the last couple days. I am trying different air-flow configurations to draw air from certain areas of the garage back to the carbon filters and direct supply air away. It is working better than before, but not well enough, plus all the ducting looks like ass. For example:

Keep in mind that this is all just recently installed and a work in progress...don't judge me too harshly yet heh