Smoke it if ya got it!
The better half drug me to bye bye baby today to look at car seats. Why we were there I wanted to get her some crème for stretch marks. We all know how women feel when there bodys getting wrecked by a baby... When she was pregnet the last time I found a low cost sampler tube at the mall the stuff was awesome and actually worked but was stupid expensive. It was like 60+ for a tube but like I said it actually works. We found a shelf off the beaten path today that had a bunch of the same brand on sale. I'm not sure if you have to go to the store or if you can get it online but its worth looking into... Got some leg crème,strech mark crème, boobie creame, a bath lotion, reg lotion and some kind of oil. idk what to call it not really my thing but I got 140$ retail for 35 bucks! it was marked down for sale then marked down again for clearence
And we all know less money spent on beauty products = more cigar budget + brownie points!