Sorry, Crypto, I was in a punk mood last night :devil:
It's good to "see" you, bro! How've you been lately?
Laparoscopic surgery is a piece of cake these days, and the recovery time is amazingly short (because very little body tissue is damaged during surgery). My wife has taken out gallbladders before while doing other surgeries or exploratory ventures--just noticed it was bad and yanked it--and it's relatively easy as far as those things go (yes, my wife's a doctor now, not some maniac cutting people open, lol).
The gallbladder is one of those things that can be helpful, but isn't necessary for the body to function properly (and tends to yield more problems than it does solutions). I know several people who've had it removed and they were all up and around after a day or so.
Really the worst part of it will be the anesthetic...that crap is nasty. You usually puke and feel nauseous afterward for a couple hours. But after that clears up, you'll get some Opium (codeine) and be good to go!
Oh, and my wife is an Air Force doctor and she's awesome, as are most of the surgeons she knows here at Wright-Patt, so not all the military doctor horror stories are true (most of the problems arise from the bureaucracy more than the quality of medical care itself). Like I said, it's an easy surgery (a Med Student could do it--Sara did several as a Med Student) so I'm sure you'll be fine.