Crazy I was gifted one a few weeks ago and just lit it. It's reminding me of a Rp edge maduro with a little more spice. But I did just lit it. More in a hour or so!!
Finished... Ah not a very complex smoke. I'd agree with Stocktonjohn, some thing I'd smoke while on the course. IMO not a bad stick for the price. Not something I'd go outta my way for.
I bought a box right when they came out. I love them great go to smoke, not overly complex. But great smoking while you work some good even burn. I recommend them.
CI makes EVERYthing sound good....that said I have one but haven't smoked it yet....that said regarding CI I'll buy 200 free cuba sticks because they are the best thing since sliced bread at $1 a peice!
I was in the area and happened to stop in when they first got them in. Was tempted to buy a box and didn't. Should have because now the price has gone up. Are these a CI exclusive?
I actually like these a lot...and would if they were double the price. While not as peppery as most nc's coming out these days, the Genesis is a complex medium bodied smoke. The construction is great and the oily wrappers are a thing of beauty.
Haha, I do what I can not to buy from them but sometimes the deals they have are just too good. They are a multi million dollar company, I'd rather see the local B&Ms get my money.
Not a bad smoke by any means, not my favorite. Grabbed a box a few months ago that came with a free 8 pack test flight of all the sizes... Haven't even gotten through the 8.
Bought these about 5 months ago and smoked one after a month and it was good and smoked another one 2 months later and it was even better. I'm thinking that these cigars are better with rest so that the flavors marry a bit better. This reminds me to smoke another one to see if they keep getting better but I think these are box worthy.