lol......What a douche.....Wah Wah Wah. I bet he drives a Prius.....
4/23/2010, 10:11 AM
Stop crying dude, be a man and walk upwind. I think your whiney pansy article is poluting my internet, and you should be banned for ever expressing yourself is such a weak manner ever again.
dpricenator - Laguna Hills
Exclusionary!? I'll kick your ass!Not to even address the Freudian aggressiveness of the very idea of a cigar, and the testosterone, exclusionary nature of the men’s clubs associated, etc., etc.
FIFYDurell Godfrey clearly is an old lady that you have to feel sorry for. If a little cigar smoke is really gonna twist this guy in a knot and throw him off his game - then he really must be leading a difficult life *in the FREAKING Hamptons*.