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Getting Started With Home Roasting

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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
Within the next few weeks or so I plan to finally get off my arse and get started with home roasting coffee beans. I know some folks use popcorn poppers but I'd like to go ahead and get a roaster. One concern I have is that in looking around at roasters, I've noticed that a lot seem to only do a few ounces at one time. I'd like to roast once every week or two if that's feasible, so I'm thinking of a larger capacity machine if they're available.
What would you home roasters recommend for a newbie?
Also, I'd like to hear about how you started out and maybe I can learn from your experiences.
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Jan 11, 2005
I've been roasting for almost a year now.

I have a freshroast 8 I got at www.coffeebeancoral.com. It costs around $80. and you get 4 pounds of green beans thrown in. www.sweetmarias.com is also another source for roasters.
Like you said, it roasts only a few ounces at a time, enough beans for about a 6 to 8 cup pot. I bought extra roasting chambers when I bought my "8" so I will roast three batches at a time. That's at least three pots worth. You must wait at least 15 minutes to reuse a roasting chamber other wise the bottom will come off, that's why I have extra chambers. I keep about four or five type of beans roasted at anytime. The actual act of roasting the beans takes about 4 to 6 minutes per roast. You need to let the beans rest for at least 24 hours, 48 is better. All fresh roast should be brewed in 7 to 10 days for maximum freshness. You'll also want to invest in a good burr grinder to grind the beans.
I get a lot of my info from another cigar board. www.cigarwise.com There is a whole board devoted to coffee roasting. You can find all the answers to help you get started and plenty of folks, more knowledgable than I to help. Check it out. Feel free to pm me any questions. It's a great hobby that has quickly become an obsession for many. I'll be glad to help any way I can.
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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
Wow! It's to believe that's all the time it's been!

The Black Dog Coffee Company itself is a year old now. It's been quite a ride and there have been a lot of changes in that time. i've been meaning to write some here about what's been happening and this seems like a fine place to do it.

Thanks to the Brotherhood here and a growing local following, the growth of my little company has been phenomenal considering it's humble beginnings. First month sales far exceeded my expectations and current sales have multiplied considerably from that first month. My product line has expanded from a couple different coffees to a rotating selection of usually about 8 origins plus grinders, presses, filters, mugs, T's and Sweats and more. Hats, bandana's, more mugs and more coffees will be added soon.

I'm always astounded by the recognition in the area I live as well as the surrounding counties and I often hear my customers tell me that Black Dog Coffee has a "cult" following around these parts. There are quite a few BDC T-shirts being worn around here and folks tell me it sparks discussion from other customers and people who've heard of it whenever they wear them. People are raving about it and encouraging me to open a shop, which I plan to do in the not to distant future. I get calls from customers whenever a prime spot becomes available and have even had calls from commercial developers. One local community has offered to band together as a "group" investor to get it started. I've been a topic of discussion at city council meetings and the mayor and council members are encouraging me to open up downtown. I was just notified this week of two prime locations becoming available, one in a historic building owned and being renovated by the city.

What's really pretty wild about it is that this has happened almost all by word of mouth since I've done very little marketing outside of here at BOTL. Just this week the first newspaper ads go out in VA and WV. Next week the WV paper is doing a story on Black Dog Coffee and that will definitely increase my local visibility. I'm starting a new market in Winchester VA this week that will be "coffee with a cause". A portion of all sales will got to the local SPCA and their "Kids for Kindness" program. The Kids will be helping out and will all be wearing custom made BDC/SPCA T-Shirts. Also, as many of you know I've recently become a sponsor of the DogWatch Social Club. I owe many thanks to Bob and Dale for the kind words they've had for BDC on their show and am glad to be helping to support it!

On a still small, but wider scale, Black Dog Coffee has been shipped to almost every state in the US and has regular customers in about 35 states. It's traveled to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, the United Kingdom and Iraq.

All in all, not bad for a little home-roaster from Podunk WV! A sincere Thank You to all the Brothers who've helped me do this! It'll be interesting to see what things are like this time next year.


BoM October 2006
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Oct 12, 2005
West, By God, Virginia
I can definitely attest to the popularity of the coffee in WV as I've received multiple compliments while wearing my BDC shirt in Shepardstown, WV :thumbsup: