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Giant Squid fishing...


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
an amazing phenomenon is occuring in san diego,,, giant squid are running at the 9 mile bank.... hasn't happend since the last el nino. 75 minute boat ride aboard the new Seaforth (holds 75, only 35 made the trip), departing from mission bay! left at 6pm, in time to watch a spectacular sunset, dolphins and all!! docked about 5 hrs later! had an AF dbl chateau sungrown on way out,,, an AF 858 maduro on the way back!

The big catch was a 60+ lb. caught by me!! i grabbed 5 in all (little less than 2 hrs), just under 200 lbs. my left arm is absolutely thrashed!! this guy next to me hooked on to a good one,,,, as soon as it was close enough to see color, a blue shark came out of no where and chomped it! the shark would not let go, even as the gaffers did a number on him. finally, he got the hint and let go. the squid had a huge chunk taken out of it. pretty freaking cool!!

perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we made the best of it! we're giving most of it to this local japanese restaurant (good friends of my buddy), and their going to cook us up a feast!

i haven't seen the pictures yet, and i'll post when i get them. this is a photo from seaforth's website. and i must say, mine was bigger!!

what a hoot!!!



BoM June 07
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358   0   0
Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
a big freaking jig, about 18" long and about 2 lbs in weight. one hell of a weapon. looks similiar to this.... the bulb part lights up. we also attached a little strobe light on the bottom of the jig.


BoM June 07
Rating - 100%
358   0   0
Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
mighty nice! i've never seen the ocean so calm... got a few beers in on the way back, and the 858 was bliss!!


BoM June 07
Rating - 100%
358   0   0
Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
full-on deep sea rig! i, actually had a 2-speed reel (thank God!!). started at about 500 feet (bottom). start reeling nice and slow,,, then, all of the sudden, your rod bends in half! hold on, keep the rod on the railing, and don't stop reeling! with everyone on board going deep, it brought the squid to the surface (following the jig up). at one time, i observed at least a dozen on the top of the water. caught my last 2 maybe 20 ft down. un-freaking-unbelievable!!

just got off the phone with my buddy. he just finished filleting, gave all that Kips (restaraunt) wanted, and still has 1/2 a 160 qt cooler filled with "white meat." he said the fillets that came off the 60 lb'er are over 2 ft long! looks like calamari for days and days.... anybody got a good squid recipe??
