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Good news everyone! Continued...

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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
So some of you might remember saying I was leaving to Mexico to finally fix (would fix be the right word?) my status here in the states. To keep it short, I'm back! And no longer an illegal immigrant
Now for pics!
Where I was staying for a bit with a family friend. The area is a complete wasteland sorta, no paved roads, most other homes around are just rubble with a few other homes here and there.

At the car wash with these dirty assholes. If you wanna go out past 10 pm or so, watch out cause these guys are pulling people over everywhere for no reason.

Close to one of the spots where people could more easily hop across the boarder. They're living along the mountain sides

Me and my cousin in downtown Juarez

And finally! Things I left hanging before leaving. BBE to Dave, maw to Blunk and just because to someone else


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Dang, should have stayed for one more week. I'll be in Juarez next Tuesday :)

Congrats on gaining legal entry to the greatest country on earth brother