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Good news everyone!

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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
Most of you probably won't remember or even knew, but several months ago very early into me joining the site I made a thread about my legal status here in the states, and the progression. I mentioned having to fill out the a pardon letter or the "extreme hardship" letter. You pretty much only get one chance at it, so my parents tried to find someone to help out with it, but it wasn't something I could afford, and my dad(petitioner) couldn't have written something filling the requirement even if he tried. So it was pretty much left up to me to type mine, and his up.
Fast forward about 5 months after that thread, and I finally get a response. They denied it, and hit me pretty hard cause its been so long, and I just keep feeling like I'm falling behind as I continue to get older. After reading through the whole letter, they mentioned that my dad's letter was too similar too mine, and lacked any substantial evidence. But there was hope, you get a chance for a single reply, and that's it. So I remade his the best I could, sent sent it off, and hoped for the best.
A month later, the approved it! Now on the 29th I have my meeting, and hopefully things continue to progress.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Best of luck Edwin....I thank God that there is still a chance for you.

I'll be praying hard for success!!


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
So awesome to hear!
We nt through something very similar with my wife years ago (She's from Mexico City), and I know it s a lot of waiting, wondering, and feeling a little helpless since there is nothing much to do once you've sent everything off.
Will pray for your meeting to go well, and for patience and guidance until then :)