I am looking to buy a box of opus and padron 1926. Is there a good resource online that is cheap and authentic? Ibwould support myblocal b&m but at $16 per I can only buy one a day or pay $35 per stick in a box from anither place.
Great place to pick up Padron for sure, but Opus X is a coat of a different color. Some places are cheaper than others for sure, but even finding them online for reasonable prices is a challenge. People buy em up everywhere when there is anything that remotely approaches a deal. The issue is that people buy them at MSRP without a problem and many others pay far more than MSRP and don't quibble about it at all. So why would anyone offer a good deal on something that they know they'll sell anyway? Having said all that I wish you the best of luck in your search and if you find some kind of great deal don't be afraid to share!