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Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
As I sit here early this morning, my mind races a thousand miles an hour as I have a lot to think about right now. You see it was on this day 3 years ago that I had a life changing experience. Most that were around BOTL remember the story, but to those who weren't here is a quick recap (I remember it all too well).

I had just closed up the shop around 9pm and walked over to my favorite bar and ordered a big mug of beer with a buddy and not two sips in my phone rings. It was my neighbor and as soon as I answer he tells me "the house is on fire". I assumed he was joking so I said something to the effect of " Yeah, right ". He then repeated himself and there was something about his tone that told me he was serious. I rushed out of the bar and headed home.


When I arrived, I couldn't even park within a few blocks of my place because there were so many Fire trucks already there. I spent the next several hours watching everything I owned disappear right in front of me. I still remember the smell when I went in the house hours later. I went in hoping that something was salvageable, but it was obvious that everything was gone. I walked away that night with nothing more than the clothes I had on.


The next day I went in and got a look at the damage, and it was as expected, things were barely recognizable and it was such a sinking feeling. I didn't spend very long there the next day because there was really nothing that could be done. Just before I left I went to check the vinotemp just to get one last glance at my stash. As I went to open the door, it didn't budge. So I yanked at a few more times and got it to open. To my surprise, the sweet smell of cedar and tobacco cut through the stench left behind by the fire. What had happened was, the fire melted the gasket enough to seal the door shut and protected the sticks from Fire or water damage. The craziest thing.... The one thing I intended to set on fire was the only thing that survived it.


The days following this event were some of the most humbling days of my life. So many great people did some amazing things. From friends to family to complete strangers went out of their way to help me when I needed it the most. I am a very proud person and don't like to ask for anything, it was very difficult for me to accept what others were doing. I've tried very hard to make sure each and every person knows what their generosity means to me, and I hope if anything, I succeeded in doing that.

So.... Here we are 3 years later. I've moved to a different spot and have "rebuilt" my life and started over with a new appreciation for how easy it is to take things in life for granted. I won't ever forget what those people did for me and I am truly grateful.....

First of all, I am grateful that no one was hurt, my neighbor for some reason happened to be up later than normal that night and got out safely. I'm truly grateful for my friends and family for all the support they offered. Grateful to those who showed up with a bag of clothes they bought or took from there closet. Grateful to those who called, emailed, text messaged, etc to check on me and see if I needed anything.

And finally, most of all I am still humbled by what all the people from BOTL did for me, I don't think I would have bounced back so easily if it wasn't for everything everyone here did. I know I could never pay back the generosity I was shown, but I will try and I will never take it for granted. So many here did so many great things and I want to once again say thank you. There is a reason we call this a brotherhood, we come for the cigars and stay for the friemdships that we create.
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Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I can't believe it's been three years... It doesn't seem like it was that long ago. We always take so many things for granted, life being one of them. I am so happy nobody was hurt in that fire. I remember how insane I thought it was that your cigars made it through all of that. Thanks for the post and hopefully it will remind us how fragile the things around us are so we never take things for granted.
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Dec 14, 2013
Whittier, CA
That's an incredible story, I can't imagine having to go through that and watch it all burn. Glad your safe and are able to move on, thanks for sharing your story once again.
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Jun 7, 2014
summerside pei canada
Sorry you had to go through something like that. Very glad no one was hurt. I know things are just that, things. But all too often we define ourselves by them and unfortunatly it takes something like this to show us we defines ourselves by our actions and how we treat others, not our things. Glad everything seems to have worked out for you.
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Jan 26, 2013
Bethlehem, PA, United States
Wow that's something the same thing happened to me and it was 3 years in September. My 15 year old son was home alone. He called and it was the most afraid I have ever been, I was worried he would go back in for his xbox. when I got home the windows were blowing out and he was outside barefoot holding our dog and the fire was raging. We lost everything and my son had to go with his mom. The red cross put me in a hotel for a few days, and that was the lowest I ever felt waking up in that hotel knowing that my son and I had nothing, not even clothes to change into. tv.jpg
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Jan 26, 2013
Bethlehem, PA, United States
Yes i had no insurance, but a group of people raised some money to help and then when i found a place i just made a whole weekend of running down craigslist ads, alot of stuff was donated it was the most loved i ever remember feeling.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
Yes i had no insurance, but a group of people raised some money to help and then when i found a place i just made a whole weekend of running down craigslist ads, alot of stuff was donated it was the most loved i ever remember feeling.
I had the minimum coverage for renters insurance which took a few weeks to get and all that went in to furniture and paying the deposits to move in to the next place. The friends, family and overly gracious brothers here went above and beyond getting me back on my feet quickly. I will never forget after being up almost all night getting ready to go to work the next morning and realizing I had nothing to change in to and having to go to the store to get a change of clothes for that day. I really hate shopping and would go out for hours buying stuff only to realize I had bought about 3-4 day worth of stuff. Fortunately I had somewhere to stay temporarily, but it was definitely an experience I hope I never have to go through again.
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
I'm sorry you had to experience that, I teared as I read it, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and appreciate what we do have, even if it's as simple as waking and pinching myself..... Yep it's another good day cause I'm still here
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Feb 11, 2014
thankfully, no one was harmed. while reading your story and bill's, a flood of emotions hit me. a similiar situtation happened to my family back in 1994, luckily no one was home but i vividly remember getting a call to rush home and only being able to park a few blocks away. it felt like an eternity watching the fire. and after it was over, the worst was finding out that it was ruled as arson. to this day, i always wonder who it could have been.

but it really does put things into perspective. a new appreciation for life is formed. and an appreciation towards your friends and family who rally together to support you.

for me, material items can always be replaced. it might sound odd but the hard part was knowing that i've lost all our family photos and pictures growing up. back then, there was no facebook or instagram to archive our moments, everything was printed. luckily since then, we've managed to find a few older pictures here and there from our friends and family, which we cherish.

thanks so much for sharing your story, i'm so glad to hear that all is well and that things are looking up for you. all i can say is, whatever vinotemp that was, i hope you bought that same model for your stash.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
for me, material items can always be replaced. it might sound odd but the hard part was knowing that i've lost all our family photos and pictures growing up. back then, there was no facebook or instagram to archive our moments, everything was printed. luckily since then, we've managed to find a few older pictures here and there from our friends and family, which we cherish.
This was the one thing I felt bad about, I did a lot of photography in the late 80's early 90's in High School, had stacks of old band photos and all the 7" records we released. The one saving grace was I kept extra copies of the records at my parents house. I was able to replace all the material things but the pictures were the things I missed most.
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Feb 11, 2014
This was the one thing I felt bad about, I did a lot of photography in the late 80's early 90's in High School, had stacks of old band photos and all the 7" records we released. The one saving grace was I kept extra copies of the records at my parents house. I was able to replace all the material things but the pictures were the things I missed most.
i never got into photography until afterwards. but now a days, can't get enough of those candids taken with natural light.
which reminds me, i probably should back up my hard drive