Why does everybody hate Fidel so much? It's the assholes on our end who you should hate. We've rejected their aid and we pretty much tell them their lives suck and that we'll "show them the way" after their leader dies. It's not like Raul is gonna go for any of our political ways -- it was him and Che that turned Cuba communist. Castro just wanted what was best for his people. Hating communists is no excuse, either, cause I'm sure your clothes were made in a communist country(or worse).
Sorry, I don't mean to rant or be off topic, but I think saying Castro sucks is uneducated. We're the jerks standing by some bullcrap piece of paper that we signed half a century ago when we got scurred and are too proud to admit that it is dumb to have it around anymore.
Besides, it's the #1 tourist destination for Canadians! It can't be that bad!