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Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


The Grey Rooster
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Feb 4, 2015
Spring City, PA
Hey everyone, just posting up to wish all of you a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend. Be sure to eat and drink (booze or n/a like me) and have a blast whatever it is you do.
When it's time to light up that holiday weekend smoke, take a minute and reflect on what this holiday is about. Honoring those who have lost their lives in service to their country.
I know there are a few brothers on here who have served and lost comrades during their tours, others who haven't served, but lost family, friends, etc as well.
Take a pull on that cigar for our fallen warriors because they aren't able to do so. They made the ultimate sacrifice and should be remembered and honored.
Have a great one guys. I think I'm going to light up a LC 2014.
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Jan 31, 2015
Buffalo, NY
Remembering my grandfather this weekend. He went in on D-Day (I never asked him which beach before he died...dammit!); fought in the Battle of the Bulge; wounded twice; numerous other decorations. Before the war, he was gunning for the Olympics (cycling). It's amazing to me what these guys gave up for their country.

Thanks also to our BOTL veterans and active duty for your sacrifices, and for keeping us safe! (y)
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
I always remember all the vets and currently serving military all day everyday. Especially my grandfather, who served in Korea and also a close family friend of my girlfriend's who sadly lost her life after her plane crashed in the middle east. I'll never forget the phone call my girlfriend made to tell me what happened.

And I wear my buddy poppy proudly!!! Also a budding collection of them in my truck!!