The Grey Rooster
Hey everyone, just posting up to wish all of you a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend. Be sure to eat and drink (booze or n/a like me) and have a blast whatever it is you do.
When it's time to light up that holiday weekend smoke, take a minute and reflect on what this holiday is about. Honoring those who have lost their lives in service to their country.
I know there are a few brothers on here who have served and lost comrades during their tours, others who haven't served, but lost family, friends, etc as well.
Take a pull on that cigar for our fallen warriors because they aren't able to do so. They made the ultimate sacrifice and should be remembered and honored.
Have a great one guys. I think I'm going to light up a LC 2014.
When it's time to light up that holiday weekend smoke, take a minute and reflect on what this holiday is about. Honoring those who have lost their lives in service to their country.
I know there are a few brothers on here who have served and lost comrades during their tours, others who haven't served, but lost family, friends, etc as well.
Take a pull on that cigar for our fallen warriors because they aren't able to do so. They made the ultimate sacrifice and should be remembered and honored.
Have a great one guys. I think I'm going to light up a LC 2014.