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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
I'm black african American whatever you prefer. I was raised not to trust Caucasian/white people by grandparents 1/2 generation removed from slavery in NC so not out of hatred just out of that's all they knew. I grew up running the streets of DC knowing I wouldn't make it past 22 yrs old. I end up working in an industry where i straddle racial and racially related political views every day (guns and law enforcement which politically aligns with republican views and is typically the non black or black "sell out" crowd). All of my hobbies cross cultural political and economic lines as do my musical tastes. I went to college at THE Otate and U of Maine at Presque isle. Id met people that never met a black person before and got called n*gger in Boston having been there literally for 20 seconds (we parked got out of the car and walking to the house a car drove by screaming at us so literally 20 seconds) I could go on but I say this to say as a cigar smoker I've run into or perceived some racially based resistance at times. Once they figure out I won't hit anyone and then I open my mouth and speak intelligibly, spend money and tip appropriately and it's all good.

FAR FAR more often though, I run into a welcoming bunch of individuals bound together by the love of cigars. Guys and the occasional gal more than willing to exchange advice, conversation, a good story, or a stick. I've looked around a room of smokers and what some take for granted, I know could not have happened 50 years ago.

So here's to a good smoke, a good drink, good company and good friends ...here's to a dream.
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Apr 1, 2014
Vernal, Utah
I often wonder what the world would be like if no one was murdered. It would be such a different world. The loss of great people, those with the courage and faith to stand up for their beliefs in the face of overwhelming adversity, is felt far beyond simply WHERE it happens.


I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
What's MLK day? What does MLK stand for?

Wait! I just figured it out!
MLK = Martin Luther King, is that it?

We don't have that in Canada, for some reason.

Happy MLK day everyone.
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Jan 20, 2014
D/FW. Mesquite to be specific.
What's MLK day? What does MLK stand for?

Wait! I just figured it out!
MLK = Martin Luther King, is that it?

We don't have that in Canada, for some reason.

Happy MLK day everyone.
Martin Luther King, brother. And happy MLK day to everyone! I will say the cigar smoking community has to be one of, if not the best communities/group of people out there.
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Dec 13, 2014
Here's to that dream and what's come of it. We may not be where we should be but we're far beyond where we were as well as where many thought possible. I've grown up in Memphis so my view is undoubtedly different than many others and this forum is definitely a breath of fresh air compared to how things seem to be in the world most of the time. Thankfully I have brothers of all backgrounds I can toast to that dream with! Things are much better in our country because of Dr MLK but we still have a long way to go. Places like BoTL will get us there.
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
Wait, you're black? I just thought you were a cigar smoker...

Okay... Happy MLK day to you as well!
Touché' lol If the whole world felt that way King wouldn't have had to dream. Lol but it's only relevant to the post. Every other holiday by 9am we have a happy ________ thread. Not one MLK (unless I missed it) Usually it's a more common and courteous or religious thing (Easter XMAS Yom Kippur) Or patriotic or just hits home for people (veterans/Memorial Day) in either case people state their connection to the post. this is one holiday some people really think doesn't or shouldn't matter or they take it for granted so I wanted to illustrate my connection, how and why it matters and why I don't take it for granted. I think most here are of the opinion you posted and again that's what I've encountered far more than anything negative. Lol that MAY be related to being 6'2" 265 but either way man I enjoy being part of this brotherhood.
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Feb 19, 2012
Thanks for posting this thread and sharing your experience. Happy MLK day to you and everyone here as well. I will never be able understand your experiences. The closest I can come to that was being chased down the street in Tokyo by yakuza because my friends and I tried to go in a Japanese only club. Here is to Dr. Kings dream, may one day it be fulfilled.


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
Happy MLK to everyone!
Would be awesome if we all shared the same philosophy that Dr. king had for us. The idea that we ARE all equal, and that hatred plays no part in a productive society.

These days we have people so willing to hurt other based on nothing but their opinions...Pretty sad state of affairs.