Brother Borealis
The Sun will reach its northern-most declination above the celestial equator at 2:06 PM EDT today. For the house in Peters Creek, that means...
sunrise: 04:16 AM
sunset: 11:44 PM
...for a grand total of 19 hours, 28 minutes of official daytime...followed by 4 hours, 32 minutes of twilight. It won't get honest-to-goodness dark.
Of course, the folks way up north of us in places like Barrow may not notice the solstice so much...
sunrise: 5/10/2007, 02:06 AM
sunset: 8/3/2007, 00:40 AM
for a grand total of 84 days, 22 hours, 34 minutes of official daylight.
But no matter how much daylight you have where you are, make the most of it. From here on until the Winter Solstice, we're losing more of it every day.
sunrise: 04:16 AM
sunset: 11:44 PM
...for a grand total of 19 hours, 28 minutes of official daytime...followed by 4 hours, 32 minutes of twilight. It won't get honest-to-goodness dark.
Of course, the folks way up north of us in places like Barrow may not notice the solstice so much...
sunrise: 5/10/2007, 02:06 AM
sunset: 8/3/2007, 00:40 AM
for a grand total of 84 days, 22 hours, 34 minutes of official daylight.
But no matter how much daylight you have where you are, make the most of it. From here on until the Winter Solstice, we're losing more of it every day.