I have. A few times in the last two months. It's a a long story, so I'll give you just the cliff notes. I was trying to have a foot surgery to fix a problem I've been fighting for a few years. Dering the pre-surgery work up, they found a real bad arrhythmia. After some monitoring and more test than I care to count, they told me it was ventricular tachycardia. I've been hospitalized 4 times (Once I got a cool ride to Washington DC in a helicopter. lol) and I've had two radio-frequency ablation. Now they have me on Verapamil and Flecainide twice a day. The Flecainide is some nasty stuff that is used to fix the irregular heart rhythm. On the down side of it, one of the side affects of it is it can mess up your normal heart rhythm big time. Every time that they change the dose I will have to be in a hospital for 3 -5 days to make sure its not killing me LOL. I hope they got it right the first time. I go back to DC on Monday and hopefully can get the all-clear from them. I've been off work since the first part of June and would love to my life back to normal. In the last week or so I've finally been able to enjoy a smoke. When I last came home from the hospital, every time I had a cigar my body would feel like it was set on vibrate for an hour or so. I think all that is behind me now. Ok, thats about as short as I can make it. LOL